I love doing lore drawings for my characters, especially if I get to do it as a children's drawing because there can be a lot of disturbing things found or seen in children's drawings and I really want to use that to the best of my ability to showcase what has happened to a character or characters in a specific setting as well as a specific time range. I also like to use very bright colors, since those drawings could highlight the distress of a character or the character's true thoughts.

I dunno, I just find it interesting


We love doing this a ton as well, just lore drawings especially drawing as if it's from the character leads to so much fun and things you can't easily protray well elsewise

YEA. Often times I can write out certain lore things but not everything that has or will happen to the character or characters. It is so much fun to draw lore things about certain characters and I'm glad others have the same feeling :D

YEAH I also love putting random ocs together to see if any new ideas spark that I hadnt thought up of.

If the amount of aus doesn't say anything. That reminds us we gotta make those shitpost slides of our ocs to show ppl

We have so many lore documents that we've only seen with old lore that isn't quite canon or we go back to read to see which elements we can snatch. (Oh yeah we're a system, so we switch between i/me/myself and we/us/ourselves a ton)

I haven't really placed ocs together to see if they worked, mainly because I like to think of a world concept before I add more characters.

I have created some aus but most are just swap characters between the main characters and either side characters or characters that are blood (Or non-blood) related to them.

Snatching ideas from old lore documents is fun because you can find what you were looking for, for a different story that you were creating. A similar thing happened to me when I found this one specific aspect of a story that I thought would be fun to build and play around with so I integrated it into the main overarching theme as to why the world may be the way it is as why the characters act as they do (Aside from other relations they may have). Another thing that is fun to play around with is characters that have a domino effect on how the worlds are created or how the characters perceive the world due to something happening. Since you can get into the nitty gritty aspects of it as well as show off the motives of what that character did to cause the domino effect.

Also, I do remember you saying that you were a system, I think in a few posts you've made and such. I don't mind the switching between we or I and such.

Because my characters are mostly in the same sort of world, and working on characters tends to help me work on world elements when I get stuck.

I have a ton of aus though not all are on characters refs or on toyhouse as I enjoy daydreaming about my ocs so there's things from swap aus to aus that play around with specific aspects or if certain things went differently.

Yeah we've been snatching alot from old lore and polishing it, including bringing back a ton of oldies that we just (figureatively) left in the back of the cupboard due to originally not knowing how to write certain characters right. (surprise surprise, it was because it was written by a different alter but this was before we really accepted we were a system.)
But I also love overarching themes, themes in general and motifs, I tend to include alot of em in my stuff (i just woke up so i forget them </3)

Also domnio effects are great, one of our oldest object ocs (2014) does have a huge domnio effect on others and the world as a whole. As like a tribute to that, whose also an alter just allie doesn't talk but using the ic to show her. (generally writing this was blaze, but she did come and say some things)

Yeah Ik we have made posts about it and it's techncially on our profile i believe but I always forget who we've told and who we haven't as a fyi.

Yea!! Normally for overarching themes and such I use god ocs (Sometimes I use demi-god ocs or just normal ocs) that would cause certain things to go wrong with the world or certain people. Sometimes I use certain themes like horror or certain cores (kidcore, weirdcore, dreamcore, etc) to set up a setting or a concept of a setting to work with. Sometimes I get inspired by things such as Midsommar or books like Pax. 

Sometimes when I find an old oc I tend to redraw and rewrite possible lore I had in mind for them and decide whether or not I feel a connection to them (Most of the time I do whether that be I like their design or that I like the concept of the story I have created for them, rarely I will ever give up an oc that I have made as an adopt). For writing characters I find that I sometimes write characters the same which is rather a problem, so often I look for writing times for certain personalities. With the idea set, I can give them a character to make a concept of interaction and how both their flaws and positive sides are shown, as an example I will use is Angler-pop, she is a rude and unempathetic woman when you first meet her, often making joking insults about the new person though despite those flaws she is rather loyal to those she deems worthy of her loyalty. I can often think of what she will way to those she is loyal to (Often something along the lines of joking with them about situations unfolding right above their eyes as well as practically helping them out with anything they need) though with people she doesn't care about she will normally say things that would get under their skin or straight up not consider them as an opinion. Sometimes I change up the personalities of characters I own since I don't think it fits with their design, backstory, and possible past experiences. Writing personalities fluctuate really.

Also, yea I get that. Reminding people is good since sometimes people can kind of get confused and such.