Mod Application!!

Posted 1 month, 8 days ago by MellowSlugSanctuary

If you havent seen the news in server, here it is

Hey guys,

We need to discuss something important about Mellowslug ARPG. Since last Halloween, the ARPG has been on pause as both Blu and I are swamped with IRL responsibilities. With our current commitments, we don't have the time or energy to be online, let alone moderate the ARPG. I deeply apologise for the silence, but after a long time of busying and behind-the-scenes tinkering ( you may notice a lot of changes, see #✨-dev-log  on server for more info), I can say Mellowslug is finally coming back alive! C:

In order for the ARPG to move forward, we'll need the help of moderators to share operational responsibilities. mod application is now open , once again thank you for your patience & support , u guys make us happy CC:


Mellowslug Sanctuary Mod Application

!! Keep in mind that this is a purely voluntary position !!
If you are interested in joining the staff team, please fill in the form , there will be a link to the staff handbook in the form for more information.


ps: About Image Link Broken

Due to previous oversight of using discord to host image, a lot of our image link are lost, especially slug ID & tag. Feel free to update them with our newest version of ID & tag ( not extended to section in Design Terms of Use )


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