Posted 27 days, 14 hours ago by minusing

Hello!! Welcome to my TOS, please read :D 

General TOS

-I reserve the right to refuse service!! 

-My prices are non negotiable! (when applicable)

-You must say thank you or else I will cry

-Please keep any art for me sfw!


-I have the right to use any of the art that I draw as examples!

-I do not draw nsfw (minor blood is fine) !!!

-I do not want my art to be reposted, edited, used commercially, or used for NFTS' or input into AI

-If you want something specific please let me know!!

-Please do not trace or reference my art heavily!!

-If you use my art anywhere you must credit me!!

Adopt/ Design TOS

-You can make minor changes to the design how you see fit! Just always keep me as the credit 

-Please do not sell/trade/gift any of my designs to anyone on my blacklist! If violated you will be blacklisted as well!


-Please keep in mind that I am human and i make mistakes!! If you are unhappy with anything please let me know!!

-If you want a refund or to cancel let me know!! You will not get to keep or use anything I had created for you!

last updated May 2024


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