Everything's slowing down

Posted 3 years, 7 months ago by CentaurWorks

What type of character do you like the most?

0 Votes Fighter
0 Votes Villain
0 Votes Optimist
2 Votes Knowledgeable
0 Votes Mechanics
0 Votes Trickster
2 Votes Caring
0 Votes Vengeful
0 Votes Witty
0 Votes Strategist

I feel like going OOC for this would be best. I'm approaching 25 years old now, I have and will far surpass the 365 characters goal. However, just because I completed it, does not mean I know what I know what to do next. Beginning during the Summer I have been working on rebooting my characters, it has been nothing but reboots for quite a while and I fell like that will be my art life for a long time. OC-tober allowed for a break with that and allowed me to show off characters in ways I've wanted to but could never get around to. While I want to keep up with this, I still got many more characters to reboot and that is something I wish I wasn't stuck with, lol.

The easiest solution is to give away characters but I feel like that's more of a coward's way out of having so many characters. Some may have been adopted, some have more dust than others, but they are all a part of me in a little way and I do not want to give up on them so easily. I also know that I'll be entering that working world soon, and my wants will be skimmed down to only a few things I can do. As time goes on, I will be focusing more on my characters, that I know for sure. But, it's been a fear of just "how much can I focus on them, all of them."

That's why the title is "Everything's slowing down," you get older and things begin to get harder to do. I don't want to slow down but sometimes you don't have that luxury. One things for sure that you never really stop improving, never stop revising. The world you make is never really set in stone until you send it off to print, and even then there are aspects that can be altered. 

I guess you can call this a bulletin for the purpose of a bulletin. But, I like to think of it as a devotion to continuing to work on my characters, and a bit of myself along the way. I'm stuck with all of them now, and I don't mind that in the slightest (I don't think the artist I commission mind it either XD)


huggles you. Kid, I'm 37.