I lost something..

Posted 1 month, 6 days ago by ThePlaguedPoet

I lost something very very important to me... my class ring...im probably gonna be opening coms soon to pay for a new one.. I'll need like...$200 or something...I don't even know how I could've lost it...but I think I know where but I already asked and they said nothing...I might have to ask again.. im so..so upset rn..


Here's some examples of my art currently.

Prices: https://trello.com/b/m6zy986R/kys-wish-book

Shares appreciated


Dude I'm sorry, I'm only seeing this till now- but I hope you find it or can at least get a new one :(

Oh no, im so sorry, mein freund :( 

Yeah im freaking the heck out about it. My mom is going to be so mad..