Chat, my words.

Posted 1 month, 5 days ago by MillyMoonStar

I have written 21 pages on a google docs about two gay boys who don't know they are destined to be together by the universe.

I haven't even finished chapter 6 yet. (that's coming to a close though)


slay >:D

You want a piece of the writing my friend?


Here you get two, one from my boyfriend and one from me.

What- WHAT THE FUCK!? It can create black holes, oh my god, it can create fucking black holes!? Ok- ok, be calm, be calm. It doesn’t seem like this black hole they made can suck me into it. No, it’s just more of a gravitational pull to be really close. What is with today and being really close to people…? First Coffin, then Sirius, then this thing. Wait… Where are we going? It said it had something to show me… Hm.

“Zennin sir.” She was still very soft spoken.

“Thank you, and can my ‘friend’ keep the robe? They don’t have clothes…-”

“Oh, um. I’ll have to ask the chief about that, but for now sure.”

“Fair enough.” I shrugged. It makes sense that she couldn’t really make that call.

The being looked at me wide eyed. “What did she say!?” They spoke with wonder in their voice.

“She doesn’t have the authority to really grant you the robe, but that you may have it for now.”

“I really didn’t understand that first part… BUT!~ Yay I can have the rope!” They seemed really excited about this, even though it wasn’t given yes. I wanted to explain that more but they didn’t give me a chance to as they rear up to fly off into the town.

“Wait-!” It was too late. I face planted into the ground as they took off, only to be fling into the air at full speed towards them. Part of me believes that they couldn’t possibly forget that they have me on a leash by their gravitational pull, right?

“Oh goodness- wait please! You were suppose to-” Her voice became faint before-


No, both paragraphs don't not go together.

Second paragraph is the end of chapter six, while the first is the start of five lmao.

:O oooo I can't wait to read the whole thing >:D


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