Posted 28 days, 5 hours ago by Callie keii_lumi

witch one should i do next??

3 Votes firewing x cometwing
0 Votes radient green cometwing
5 Votes pastel blue cometwing

the raffle has ended !!!! im here with the results >:3

for the Purple baby (https://toyhou.se/27354334.cometwing-adopt) the winner isssss..... https://toyhou.se/Januzs_ !!!! congrats !! :D

and lastly for the pink bean (https://toyhou.se/27354319.cometwing-adopt) the winner was https://toyhou.se/Skeley-Arts !!

dont worry people that didnt win , there will be many many more chances to win more babies !! :DD

please join cometcord !!! there will be more chances to win adopts and raffles on the server !!! >w> thank you all for participating 

