[NOTICE] delay update

Posted 24 days, 10 hours ago by bonsaikittens

hey folks!

regarding my previous [notice] bulletin, i would like to update you all on the progress of owed art and updates on IRL stuff, as there will still be some delays, but i think i've gotten most of the "hard parts" done ...sorta

atm, i still have 2 fulls owed to someone. ive finished working on everyone else's art in my queue now. i sincerely do apologize for how long this has been taking, i'll try and start sketching out some ideas today for said pieces. 

if you're wondering wtf is happening in my life to make drawing take so long, let me explain:

ive finished all my individual assignments and essays, now i only have my group projects to focus on as well as my finals which,.. seem to be coming up really soon O_O

let me just. rant about the bullshit that are my group projects and something particularly infuriating that happened recently.

my public health class has a group project, which, turns out, the group i joined was attempting to 'buy' a project off someone else. they paid a third party to do the project for them which is literally against the uni's rules btw!!!!!!!!!!!! in dismay i reported everything to my professor, and she told me today that she was okay with giving me an extention

well. that group project isnt the final assignment, by the way! thats a whooole different one, actually.. that one requires you to not only write a report but a presentation too! yippee!

i should be done with my lab reports, or i think we might have the last one to do next week... im not sure but its a relief at least

now, i have group projects for my 2 other classes, waste management and sustainable housing

the one for the former requires you to write a paper AS WELL AS making a presentation for class, and same goes for the latter. ive finished the report for housing but i'll have to finish up my parts for the presentation. very annoying but it is what it is. now. waste management........ do you know when its due? this thursday. and my fucking piece of shit group have not bothered discussing ANYTHING. we formed this group like, a month and a half ago. these are the same people who i keep being forced to work with because cliques are a constant part of all levels of academia here and no one would take me in cuz they prefer their friends!!!!! 🤪🤪🤪 ive worked with these people like.... twice? three times? and every single one it was the most stressful, panic-inducing moments of my life. barely any communication, essentially doing everything wrong, not even giving me a chance to correct their work because they prefer sending over their parts over WHATSAPP instead of a shared document like, yknow civilized people, and now with the rise of AI everything they send in is probably written by chatgpt. every time ive worked with them ive complained to the professor. every. time. so, why do i 'do' it? i dont! this one girl in my class, someone who i thought was an acquaintance is most likely trying to sabotage me as ive recently learned that she meddles around with groups to get what she wants and she literally tells me "you can join my friend's group" and i hate how she pretends to act like we're close for this, like bitch you've never worked with ME. dont speak for your friend. if she wants to work with me then she can tell me directly. 

okay holy shit i did not mean to yap for that long but. its. very very frustrating. and you know when all these projects are due? ...this thursday. i have less than 3 days to complete everything. good fucking lord

on top of that, i'm travelling for a few days on the weekend :') i would enjoy that if i werent fucking stressed with all the deadlines i have to deal with

again, my deepest apologies for the wait. i'll try to finish things at a reasonable time but it will be very, very slow


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