sorry for inactivity

Posted 3 months, 29 days ago by plushpon

a quick hello, i just wanted to reach out and apologize for the recent inactivity. my attention is currently needing to be split between work, and i've also been pretty mentally & emotionally darker and just trying my best to get through it. thank you for your love, i hope to be posting more for you u all soon <3




It’s alright! I’m super inactive here too. Mental health is always priority!

Ahh please please don't stress yourself out too much, the important thing is that you are ok, and that your mental health, should always come first.

Take all the time that you need 🩷🩷🩷 don't forget to take a good rest too ☺️

No worries, work is important! I've been watching from the side lines, it seems successful !!! There's no shame in that as well, but definitely do take breaks, you and pom. Be safe!!!!!

take your time and hope you're feeling better soon!! your mental health matters c: <3 

take all the time you need!

take all the time you need dont worry <33

No worries!! Please get better soon! ✨💝

irl always comes first! please always prioritize your own mental health and well-being <3 never be sorry for looking after yourself!