Gacha Swaps

Posted 1 month, 3 hours ago by Tasira

Hi everyone! Our gacha opens in less than 1 hour! (7 pm CET)
Here you can write a comment linking a character you want to swap!
Here is a lil form for you to make it easier:

Character: (Link to your gacha character that you want to swap)
Looking for: Resale/Swap (Something spooky? cute? Jester vibe)
Status: (Open/Closed/Pending)


Posting this guy one more time :D


Looking for: Resale/Swap, I'd rather swap but I'm willing to resell it if I don't get any offers I'm interested in!

Status: Open!


Looking for: Swap (really loves bugs (mostly),  circus themed and fish at this times :3 )

Status: Closed

Omg this dude is a dreamie, if you ever plan on doing a resale ping me! <3

I prefer to swap but I will keep you in mind if I change my mind <3

I have this fishy guy! ->

Awww cute little shork >w< I'll wait a little longer for a response of one of my favorite gatcha and what people have to propose, I'll tell you later if I do the swap or not <3 

Sounds good! :)

Sorry I fallen in love with another fishy boi ;-;

Is okie, thanks for letting me know! :)

Would any of these interest you at all outta' curiosity? :0 One; Two, sharky lad; Three;

oh! I'm higly interested on the sharky lad, I'm okay to do a swap with this one ^^

Ooo for sure I’d be down to do that! :D Give me just a moment and I’ll transfer em’ over! thank you so so much!! <33

Thanks to you too <3


Looking for: tentative swaps. I like dragons and spooky vibes, but feel free to throw anything out there. I also really like purple!

Status: open


Looking for: Tentative Swaps! my likes are all over the place so gah (jesters and or sillyness are a plus though)

Status: Open!

This one is so so cute!! :DD Would you be interested in any of these lads at all? :0  One (most tent on this lad); Two (just a lil’ tent);

Hi i think they're cute but don't think I would use either of them but thank you for offering!

Not a problem! :D I had another lad but I had swapped him this morning haha! xD

Ohh it was my favorite one on this gatcha :o I can swap this lil one with the horse if you want ^^ 
Or I can give you 40$ unstead >w<

Theyre really pretty but dont think I'd use them, I'll def consider the 40 though! Just want to leave it open a bit longer!

thank you <3 I'll be here and ready for the 40 whenever you ask <3 

I'll take you up on this now if you dont mind!

I'm totally okay, you can send a note and I'll send you my paypal mail or my payment at your paypal mail, it's at all you wish <3

New comment to add the most recent roll!

Character/s: (can’t use because eye phobia stuff so not tent at all ;-;); (most tent); (a tad tent)
Looking for: Swap preferably but willing to do resale if I get no swaps!
Status: First one is closed and last are closed, other one is still open!

I can offer this guy for the first

Third one!


Looking for: Swap, I really like this goofy guy but I wanna see what people might offer! :D

Status: Open!


Looking for: Anything! Only a little tent, but I like all themes

Status: Open

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Looking for: mage/jester vibes preferably not super feminine. Or even spooky
Status: Closed

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if you ever consider resales ;)

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This guy is kinda spooky ->

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Okie, thanks for letting me know! :)

I think i have the perfect one >v<

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Not at all! You can definitely dedesign them a little simpler if we trade, but that's super up to you! I really like your monkey, but let me know, i have another offer on hold atm!

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Not to worry, thanks for letting me know!
Cute pastel space cat that needs a better home! 

What I’m looking for: Resales or swaps! I’m not too picky on designs but I do love darker and more spooky themes.

Status: Open

This lad is totally my. Dreamie! I have her!

If you two would be interested in a three way trade I can offer these guys as well if they interest ya

Omg she really is pretty. Will you let me think about it for a moment? :0

Actually I think I might go for it! I’ll 100% trade :D.

Awesome!!! I’ll definitely accept!!! This for space cat right? Sorry my messages are kind of swamped

Yep for space cat! <3

Awesome!! I’ll send her over! 

Awesome!! I’ll send her over! 

1 Replies

Anotha one


Looking for: Resale/Swap, I can't see myself using them at all, I will consider anything!

Status: Closed! Swapped for the blue shark :3 (#25)

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I have this one to trade??

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Not to worry, thankyu for looking!

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Alrighty just keep me updated c:

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Omg these colors are so beautiful!! Would you be interested in any of these lads? :0 One; Two (most tent on this lad); Three (just a lil’ tent);

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For sure take as much time as you need, just let me know whenever!! :D I really loved 42 as well with the colors/general design they have but I have a weird phobia with certain eye patterns so I just won’t be able to use them properly sadly!! ;-; I seriously appreciate you debating it regardless so much, thank you!! 


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Thank you seriously! I apologize for yapping also haha!! :D I hope you have a great nap and don’t worry however long it is I’m in no rush at all!! <3

4 Replies

i have one soft boi to trade :3 

Im a bit picky with designs, but like a lot of themes :3


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i took another offer but tx for the offer :3


Looking for: Swaps! Anything pastel, soft cute, but i also do like dark and edgy. >u>
Will be picky though if it is yellow or green, not a big than of those colours.

Status: Open! 

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Sure! I'd be happy to swap for this bean! I might just tweak the yellow/green on him to be orange. ^^

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Got it! now sending mine, thank you ^^

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I can offer this silly fella

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maybe him?

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perfect im sending him over :3


Looking for: Swaps, I like this design but idk if I'll use them for sure so I'm a bit tent, willing to look at anything! I like jesters, spooky things, and cute things!

Status: Closed! I've decided to keep them, thanks to everyone who offered though! :D

RARRA I’ve been eyeballing this guy!! I have this cute pastel cat that needs a better home!

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I was staring at this on when they were still hidden haha! Would either of these lads interest you at all? One; Two;

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Looking for: swaps! I'm actually a pretty big fan of this guy so I'm a little tent! Looking for spooky/dark themes and colors! Also a big fan of birds/avians :> 

 Status: CLOSED - Have decided to keep them :> 

Old comment here:

Character: and

Looking for: Resale/Swap; ideally for tigers, dragons, anything with big horns, Asiatic aesthetic designs, pastels

Status: #45 is now closed! #44 still open!

kinda like a noodle dragon that i could offer for either?

Aww, it's cute, but not really whay i'm looking for, sorry! Thankyu for offering!
still interested in offering this guy for 45 :3

Just waiting on a reply from someone else; if they decline, i'm happy to trade with you!

I think i'll take your offer now, friend!

sorry for the wait we can totally trade if youre still up for it was playing a viddy game lol

Yepyep, no worries! Sent mine and received yours safely! Thankyu so much!

And thank you!! enjoy the little freak :D

1 Replies

Character: (my other one is here!)

Looking for: Swap preferably, but may be willing to resale for another roll! No super bug inspired stuff is all anything else I’ll check out! (or a bunch of eyes) Tent on this guy a bit, I’m eyeing a few of the ones still not rolled yet more then anything tbh!

Status: Open!

Could i swap mine for this one instead of your first design?

I’m a bit more tent on this guy so I’ll def have to think on it if that’s okay! :D

No worries, i have a few offers myself, tbh!

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I can offer this guy for the second one

(Or money if yiu prefer a resale)

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Would you do the Butterfly for them?

I have ocs here for offer for butterfly - willing to do resale too

Any chance at all this one would interest you for the butterfly?

We could also try a 3 way trade with any of the offers for #5 from here, if the others are willing!
If none of those interest you I probably have a number of ocs I'd be willing to let go of but I'd have to dig through my profile


Looking for: gacha swaps or resale for another roll! Not as picky with this fella

Status: open I'm fine with 3 way trades as well!

Looking for: Resale/Swap (Not as tentative but I AM picky)
Status: Open

Looking for: Swap (Very tentative)
Status: Closed- decided to keep him, sorry!


There are a few silhouettes I'm still eyeing too but I'll forget if I don't post this now so I'll probably leave these open for a long time

Absolutely in love with the first lad, not sure they’d be your vibe but I got this one! I like them a lot but the multiple eyes are a no go for me! ;-;

edit; also got this guy here now but may have to think on it a bit!

re-edit; got this lad as well!

-Been swapped-

Sorry for the super late reply but I may take 35 if my offer for the butterfly one doesn't get accepted :] reminds me of a character I used to have when I was younger

Ah sorry I already traded 35 away... but good luck on the other offer though :3

Looking for swaps tw for tenticals

Might trade her too but im really tent!


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Hmmm i dont think the colorscheme is what im looking for :3

Looking for: Swaps! Looking for other edgy themed gacha bois. Please don't ask me about resale, sorry (this includes pings)!
Status: Open, but tent.


Lookin for: Swaps, especially interested in jesters or patchwork/stitched together designs. No bugs please. I’ll be super picky cuz I love this guy, just tryna look around :)

Not particularly interested in the aquatic themed designs from this batch ^^;

Status: Open! 

Would maybe this fella interest u? ;w;"


Would this boi interest you


tempting, have to think on it

imma go to bed now but feel free to lmk how you decide :3

Would you swap for them?


Hi, i hope it's not too rude to ask, but would you consider trading for this guy??

For sure.

You are not rude at all.

Awesome, i can send them over now?

Sorry for the wait. They are pending (I was eating)

3 Replies

Looking for: Swap preferably, but willing to resale for another roll! I love the colors and general design I just can’t do multiple eyes they freak me out big time! ;-; Not looking for anything specific really just no bugs/extreme bug features! (or a bunch of eyes)
Status: Closed!

Could i offer this one??

I can give it some thought for sure, mecha and cyborg stuff is pretty cool to me! :D

Sure thing!

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Oo they are very cute but I don’t know if I’d use them a lot sadly!! I apologize! :(


Looking for: Swaps primarly, might consider resale!

Status: Open, can be picky, i'm still debating about him < / 3


Looking for: other gacha swaps! I really like this silly fellow so I might be a bit picky c: I'm a big sucker for pastels or aquatic designs

Status: Open I'm fine with 3 way trades as well!

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Sadly I don't think I would use them ;u; thanks for the offer though!


Looking for: Swaps! I'm not too good at drawing mech/robotic type things!

Status: Open!

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If no swap offers catch my interest, i'll definitely let you know!

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Ohh, it's not quite what i'm looking for, sorry! QvQ Thankyu for offering though!
this guy interest you by chance?

They actually really do! I'm just gonna see what else i could trade for for a little bit longer, but i'll get back to you soon!

Sweet :D you’re free to try to seek 3ways using this goober too so long as I still get that guy in the end :)

Ohh, thankyu! I'll let people know!

I got this guy if interested!

They're not really what i'm looking for, but thankyu for offering!


I actually like this design a lot, but I’m not sure if I’ll use them.

Looking for: For now considering swaps. Mostly interested in gorey, spooky stuff.

Status: open

I've got this fella if you're interested! ^^

Sorry, not really my type. But thank you for offering!

Let me know if you’re every considering a resale! 

If noone will offer a character that interest me, I will probably resale him, I'll let ya know :>

I gave it some thought and I would like to resale this fella. Pm me please :>

Dm should have sent..? Toybouse is acting weird so I’m unsure if it sent out not.

Are you still interested? If not that’s okay! :D

Replied to ya! Sorry. I got a little busy yesterday :, D

depends really honestly! I put a lot of lore/personality into my designs so I get attached. XDXD


Could offer this funky fella maybe?

Sorry Gabs, love the concept and Idea but I would not swap for them </3

it alry!! good luck then <3 /gen

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Sorry, I don't see myself use them. But thank you

I might be considering.

imma go to bed now but feel free to lmk how you decide :3

Sorry I am playing Badminton and was not on phone. I'll be willing to swap if you are still interested.

oh haha didnt wanna disturb you but yeh im sending him over :3

i love them ! I have her for trade!

I went with another offer. Thank you for your interest!

This guy is so cute but pastel colours aren’t my thing! While I try to connect I’d like to see who I could trade for them!

What I’m looking for: Swaps! I’m looking for anything but I prefer darker and spookier characters! 

Status: Open