Okay okay so I’m autistic but I’m not the type to hyperfixate to the point of it taking up my entire day… but recently I’ve gotten a hyperfixation on a specific character to the point where Ive spent my entire morning desperately searching for content related to them

Fanfics (I NEVER touch fanfics), edits, staring at Pinterest photos of them, etc

ive even gotten to the point where I’m constantly daydreaming about them - at work, at home, at the doctors appointment

unfortunately theyre pretty underrated so there isn’t much content covering them but there’s ONE good fanfic on AO3 I reread whenever I’m bored

anyways it’s so bad it’s become embarrassing, I’m just giggling like a fan girl over here 

But does anyone else relate to the same experience? I’m just not used to hyperfixating this hard it makes me feel a little guilty lol 


100% relatable.

Whenever I get hyperfixated on a new series, I always end up just consuming all the content I can of it. Oh, and the favorite character from that? Well, time to go scour the internet for extra fan content while I'm at it! And here's also 10 pieces of fan art done by me of them.
Then I'll sit and think of little silly scenarios with them while working on my math homework or something.
The only thing that sucks is when the fixation is towards your own OCs, because there is no new content unless you make it yourself. 😔 - Someone who has been hyperfixated on her own OCs for over a year now, with it just fluctuating between which OC in particular is the current fixation

It's normal, but definitely don't let it get to a point where it becomes an all-consuming obsession. If it's getting in the way of things like your relationships, chores, work/school, or self-care, you should probably dial it back a bit. And that can be a hard balance to maintain, but you just gotta remember that they're not real and things like self-care and work/school are more important than watching another 12 episodes of that anime or whatever it is.

Don’t worry, I’ve been hyperfixating on the same character for almost 4 years now. Daydreaming, reading fanfics, edits, whatev. Kicking my feel giggling and shit. I do feel very guilty but its actually very normal for people with autism (me😅🤚)

Just don’t let it get to a point where you start to have it take over your life. Ive had moments where I start to believe they are actually real and I start to obsess. I’ve gotten to a point where I still daydream and kinda hyperfixate on them while putting my life and relationships I have first.
Its totally NOT a bad thing and don’t feel guilty or embarrassed over it! It makes you happy and thats what matters!

THANK YOUUU I’m so glad I’m not the only one, every time I catch myself giggling over them I feel so embarrassed 😭 

ahhh thank you. I’ve started to be a little delusional and think ‘maybe if I will it hard enough they’ll be real’ but I know that’s impossible - I’ve let myself set a little time to hyperfixate on them a day but I still get my important tasks done :3 

Hyperfixating is like, anything. It can be a good rabbit hole or a bad rabbit hole or just, a rabbit hole. How you feel about it, on closer inspection, is what matters

Still, sounds like ya found a character ya like, and ya want to find more good content of them. Most righteous

Indeed 🙏 thank you!