
Posted 3 years, 6 months ago by 1badroo

Those listed below are blacklisted from owning any of my character designs or commissioning art from me.

- Tanner Snodgrass/Queensilverstar/Queenbubblegum98 Why - Scammed me in the past for free art

- Amanda Kirkman Why - Guilt tripping, pulling out of trades that have been near 90% completed.

- Trinity Musgrave/Silverspirit118 Why - Traced art by a friend and claimed it as their art, minor breaking paypals TOS

- Terra Dutchie Why - Scammed me for free art.

- Chris/Belle/Elliot Ray Why - Bullying, sending others to attack you, making up false rumours.

- Rhia McIntyre Why - Harrassment, attacking me with false claims after I cancelled a trade due to personal reasons

- Chris Cota Why - Sharing PTU bases, sending people to attack you, getting nudes off minors and also making minors do sexual things for him when he's an adult.

- Blueyburnout on instagram Why - forced a refund after getting paid art then claiming they couldn't pay the money despite buying a new fursuit and art from others.

- Miranda Gray Why - animal abuser and prefers to buy a fursuit over caring for a sick pet

- April Lynn Why - Constantly asking for updates, despite knowing when their art would be worked on, forcing a refund via paypal despite getting their art, claiming they didn't get their art, among other things

- Ashley Ladd/Societea_Cosplays/Societea_Art/ColorGuardian/Nyder the DAD Why - Abusive, manipulative, gaslighting, Making up fake rumors, Guilt tripping among other things.

- Nebula Lanning Why - Despite being told that I don't feel comfortable with them altering my base edits that I took a lot of time on they decided to edit it to whatever they seen fit.

- Vynn Carstensen and all their alts Why - Slander/Defamation, Guilt tripping, doxing, drawing feral NSFW, associating with zoophiles, and many more things.


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