Adopts/Designs for Trade/Sale

Posted 3 years, 6 months ago by Arianstar

I have some adopts and designs I've done up for grabs found here

I take trades and DA points <3


Could I do some art for this baby?

Yes, I love your stuff hun <3

Anyone one you feel like working with in either of these folders. You can choose, let inspiration flow :3

Oh she's beautiful hun, thank you so much <3 Merry Christmas *hugs*

You're very welcome -snugs- I hope you had a great day ^-^ 

Oh! I commented on the two headed bab? But I see its gone now?

I hope your day was good too hun <3

I didn't receive a comment on them from you. It could have been when they were on hold, I'm sorry hun. they were traded but I have others I'm going through. I'll link you a stash file if you want and you can take a look before I post any of them. <3

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