Working on future comms/Q's for comms (important)

Posted 1 month, 14 days ago by JujuBeanBeanie

Does anyone wanna be pinged for comms opening?

1 Votes Yes please🥳
0 Votes No thanks 😓

Future comms will be here:

working on the TOS rn be hopfully be open after that and a few of my art payments are done

Here a question for anyone interested in my comms, how much would you pay for, for any of my types of art types (I have many tbn)

Also, I might add animations and gifs to the mix, but more condensed in gifs for now like this:


I also wanna ask how much you would pay for gifs like the one above, once I find out a good price, I'll add it to the comms with other examples of animations.

I'll update in my bulletins when the comms are finally open, got any questions abt my future comms? just comment below and i'll hopefully answer soon 


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