LF: FFXIV Friendos + FC?

Posted 7 years, 6 months ago by Hanni

Looking for people to play fanal fantasy with haha;;

My main (and only one I log into often) is in Balmung.
I'm looking for people to run dungeons, roulettes, clear old contents <s>and suffer</s> together :3c

Also looking for a friendly FC if you know one? Since the one I am in is pretty much inactive..


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ooh sounds good! My tank class levels are all pretty low, so when I catch up we can run dungeons together? (I cannot guarantee you will survive //shot)
My main is Rian Maia! Let me know if you want to add me and hopefully we can get online at the same time to add o7o )b

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I am gonna be online today, and hopefully I run into you uwu

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awesome I'll poke you when you are out of duty


I would love to play together! What is your character name? ovo

http://toyhou.se/584351.ziv-ir-ashal is my main on Balmung. http://toyhou.se/587452.alaire-daerev is also 60 and I play as another RP main (I actually likely rp this guy more and have been for about 3 years).

Both are in http://bellworks.enjin.com/ which is an amazing fc that I absolutely LOVE (but I think might be closed for new apps briefly).

Are you new to the game/server or just looking for new folks OvO

ooh they both sound interesting!
I have only one active character (Rian Maia) who is still under construction RP-wise O(--(

I'm not super newbie (around a year with breaks between), but I haven't made much friend in-game so meeting new folks would be fun uvu )b

Sorry I passed out after running some stuff XD I'll be on this evening if you are and can add you XD My rp characters are those two and a couple others I rp pretty heavily but don't pve/pvp at all. They have RPC profiles too if you're ever over there - I haven't shoved info over here.

But yeah add me! I don't have a TON of friends ingame but I live with my main rp partner and play with a number of people casually. I'm always game for running with more friends xD

I can log on in the evening as well! (7 PST and onward)
I'll add you once I log in and you're online uvu )b


//extends leggy I still can't add u??????

OH We have to both me online to add each other that's why sgfdfjhgj

oh-- im online rn and will be for a while if you have time :'3c

Ah damn, I've got a presentation for uni tomorrow so I'm a bit busy getting stuff ready ;A; But after tomorrow, I'll have time to log in and play so, you can let me know whenever you're online if that's ok sgfjhg

that's no problemo good luck on your presentation omg;;; OTL
And sure! I'll hit u up :3c