Happy New Year 2021!

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago by asteriskxd

Hello and Happy New Year 2021!

I am excited for this year. I figured I would give you all an update, even though there is just a few of you. As of September 2020 I have enrolled in college, and have been attending art school. It's lowkey a pain in the butt but it's enjoyable nonetheless. However  I did super poorly throughout the course as a result of my underlying mental health issues. SO, my solution to that has been prescribed meds and counselling. I was in a low place mentally and am now working to get myself back up, transfer over to a much more desired program, and live life. I'll be posting more art and such and once I'm done with college (in four years) I'll be well on my way to make my multi-media project that much more of a reality. it's a lingering thought but a good dream to strive for. 

I'll also likely be opening character commissions publicly this year once I sort everything out and create a valid advertisment and price sheet.  If you feel inclined and are able to do so, you can offer me a donation at https://ko-fi.com/astra_illust

Looking forward to the future!



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