Posted 17 days, 18 hours ago by frxstbites

tos kinda sorta? it would be nice if u read all of this but the most important rules are 1, 3 and 4

  1. DON’T use my designs for hate art, ai, nfts, the works. if you even think weird shit like that is okay to do, you shouldn’t be on my profile. once you’ve received one of my designs you have full commercial rights and i am fine with you doing anything with my designs(and would even love to see it) as long as it is not harmful in nature.
  2. please be clear about what ocs you CAN and CANNOT/WILL NOT trade, don't be vague(e.g. saying "someone from my th" and then having warnings on character profiles that say "if you offer i'll find your family" it stresses me out😭😭)
  3. holds(for both art and money offers) will last for two weeks or up to a month with certain exceptions.
  4. if offering art please please *please* give me at least weekly updates!! i know you may not have a lot of time but even if you have nothing to show for it, i need to know you haven't forgotten and that you still intend to complete it!! as long as you pop in occasionally and say you're still working on it i can extend the hold period up to a month if you ask, but after two weeks of inactivity i will cancel. if you don’t think you could finish the art within a month, please do not offer.
  5. unless you're claiming via ab please don't get angry if i accept another offer over yours, it's ultimately my own decision
  6. as a fair warning, i will likely not accept:
  • base made characters
  • anything besides human/humanoid characters(exceptions can be made for certain flat-faced anthro characters)
  • characters without a full body reference(unless the adopt you're offering on doesn't have one either)


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