OC Purge Sale (not mine)

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago by Arianstar

My very good friend is trying to sell some of their oc's, I would be very happy if you could check her out and some of those amazing babies up for grabs <3



I'll go take a looksee :) Btw, I LOVE your new icon!!!

Ok, she'll appreciate that sis <3 thanks it was from one of the forums I used to go to that disappeared. I miss those days lol.

I do too, in those forums I made a lot of good friends and almost all of us have lost touch or they no longer make dollz/artwork. Did also remind me I need to update my Kat icon.

Yeah, same here. It's like they all disappeared, thankfully some of us poke around still. Glad we keep in touch <3