forum games comfort meme

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by lophiusdragon


Forum games comfort meme

(if you have certain characters you will/won't do things with, feel free to list them)

I am okay with you...

Replying to my characters several times on a specific game: yes
Replying to my characters several times on different games: yes
Mentioning my characters in your posts to other people in games: maybe? depends on situation
Mentioning my characters in your posts in the same game (those reply chains that we sometimes do): maybe? depends on situation
Mentioning prior interactions we've had in other games to my character: sure!
Making or buying art of forum interactions between our characters: this could result in the character maybe being ooc so probably most likely no

I am okay with interactions that are...

Sensitive in subject: what does this mean? only if its SFW and appropriate to the character (ie discusing death with thanatos)
Romantic or ship-like: plz no romance/flirting    talking ot the oc like they are a friend is ok i think
Pre-established knowing each other: sure
Mean or aggressive: only to characters that are established edgelords in their profiles
Breaking character/crack: what does this mean? idk what this means so probably no
Depressing and sad: idk if its ur character venting to mine depends
With problematic characters: plz stay SFW

(feel free to add anything more you want!)

I am okay with user interactions...

That comment on my profile: sure
That comment on a character's profile: sure
That ask about ships that include romance: plz no asking to ship ur characters with mine plz
That ask about ships that don't include romance: u mean like being friends?  idk
That dm me to talk about characters: sure
That dm me to talk about anything: sure

plz keep in mind im an adult and prefer to be friends with other adults (aka age 18+)
That reply to me in OOC forum games often: sure

Please try to avoid these things with me...

  • plz dont discuss NSFW topics, politics, venting with me


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