urgent adopt resells + cms + merch

Posted 7 years, 5 months ago by CionKeiasta

bc i have bills to pay for this month that took me by surprise OTL|||| i have enough money when i get paid next month but not this month ; A ; .......... have like over 300 USD worth of bills OTL|||| most need to be paid by later this week/early next week QQ

read here for adopt resells: http://toyhou.se/~forums/thread/26266.-urgent-adopt-resells/1

b2t adopts (cheap) : http://fav.me/dast0hr

interested in cheap B2T sketch comms here: http://toyhou.se/~forums/thread/11287.b2t-cheap-sketch-cms-open/1

cion comms here: http://fav.me/da0lxl9

b2t merch here: http://fav.me/darbpdy and http://fav.me/darbqmw 

official merch for otomes/games/anime: click to see album on FB


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