Clarification on the Vent Board

Posted 7 years, 3 months ago by Ventmod

Why does the thread exist? The main intention is to provide users with a secondary option and an alternative to the complaints board for those seeking a fresh start - and not necessarily replace it. There are also certain topics that are a part of daily life that users can discuss here that are not allowed in the complaints board (and certainly for a reason, as these topics can get quite heated). The only desire of the Vent board is for users to be able to discuss anything that is bothering them, so long as they do not openly or vaguely attack other members of the community, and do not direct hateful speech at each other. Politics, religion, problems of racism and sexism (not PROMOTING these things, but dealing with them in your life, ie a racist coworker or a sexist ad) -- these are all parts of life and while these topics may be controversial, there should be a space for users to talk about their feelings regarding them.

Given that these topics can create heated discussions and given that there can be a habit of namedropping/vaguing within the community, this thread was created by and will be moderated by a group of several users. This is to ensure that things remain as stress- and bias- free for everyone involved, and serious issues can be discussed from multiple viewpoints. The creation of this thread was discussed over the course of several months and was not a decision made in the hopes of upsetting others or stepping on any toes. This is merely an alternative space for those who whish to post elsewhere; if users wish to post in either or both threads they are free to do so. The Vent board merely wishes to offer a space where users can freely discuss a variety of topics.

If anyone has ANY concerns about this board, its content, or anything related to it, you are always free to contact this account via PM. The account will be checked multiple times throughout the day so there should never be too long of a wait for a response.


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