Commissions Info 2017

Posted 7 years, 3 months ago by orewatowi


These are the two images I use to advertise my commissions. I am flexible about prices, but this is the general range. My finished works can be viewed on my Deviant Art and mostly traditional sketches on my Instagram. I am willing to draw many things, with the exception of: pornographic content, mechas, architecture, and anything I think is too difficult/overly detailed. I will draw: gore, horror, monsters, nudity, characters interacting and action poses. I am more than willing to work out prices and subjects with my commissioners, and let them know what I am doing every step of the way. I like to send work in progress pieces and get feedback so I can give you exactly what you'd like.

You can contact me by email at orewatowi @ or aerne.1 @ The CCAD email is linked to my PayPal, but I like to keep my commissions organized in my personal email. Usually I will post a finished commission piece to my Deviant Art gallery to show it off, but if you'd prefer it kept private, I will not post it. I love doing art trades as well, but I am not always available to do them. If you're interested in commissioning me or have any questions, feel free to email me! 


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