Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by pinu

Please please read this if you have a character designed by me!
You may end up blacklisted if you ignore these rules, which is something I really really want to avoid X__X


- You may not sell the design for more than its original price. Only once there is art attached to the character after its initial sale then you may adjust the price, according to the worth of the additional artwork.

- No refunds once the design is sold to you. All transactions are final!

- Credit me when using my artwork and do not claim to be the creator of the design. pinu , this account, is suitable credit, but be sure to properly link me if you're on other websites.

- Redesigning a character is entirely okay, but ask me before you directly edit my artwork! It's usually acceptable, I appreciate a heads up however.

If you have any further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact me. Have fun grabbing those characters!


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