I can't fit this in the title but from thvrncrvwn's suggestion, I would like to dub this "local aroace steals a valentine's thing from a ????? who stole it from an aroace". I stole this from @thvrncrvwn who stole it from @yakko who possibly stole it from someone who could have stolen it from another person who maybe stole it from someone else who potentially stole it from @Alienpvppy.

- Q: Do you have a crush on anybody?
-- A:  Non

- Q: What's your favourite candy?
-- A: Those strawberry candies that I don't know where they buy them from, but all old people somehow have in their house

- Q: Favourite love song?
-- A: *side-eyes playlist full of emo rock songs* ... A Thousand Years by Christina Perri (which, according to Judge My Spotify is my most listened to song, which I find unreasonabally funny)

- Q: What was your first kiss like?
-- A: These lips have not been tainted by those of another

- Q: What was your last kiss like?
-- A: Read bove (i accidentally spelt it like that I'm keeping it)

- Q: Sexual/romantic orientation?
-- A: Aroace lesbian

- Q: Do you prefer poems or love letters?
-- A: Fellas, seduce me platonically with your poems

- Q: Favourite fanfic trope?
-- A: Older character being a parental figure to younger character!!!! Love me some good ol' found family

- Q: Have you ever been in love?
-- A: I am physically incapable of love (crying emoji with sunglasses)

- Q: Favourite milkshake flavour?
-- A: Strawberry

- Q: Dinner dates or brunch dates?
-- A: Dinner bcuz then I can get dessert >:) (mmmm cheesecake)

- Q: Favourite flower?
-- A: Those flowers that are everywhere that I used to eat when I was a small child idk what they're called but they're small and magenta and I thought they tasted good (AFTER READING THROUGH THIS ONCE MORE I SEARCHED THEM UP AND THEY'RE CALLED RED CLOVERS!!!!)

- Q: Favourite perfume/cologne?
-- A: *mentally phases back into middle school gym class where the girls in my class thought perfume was a good substitute for showering* None

- Q: Favourite candle scent?
-- A: None, candles are too stinky :|

- Q: What's your ideal first date?
-- A: I guess hanging out at their house?? and eating their dinner and then chilling with them (man... i am just describing spending time at a friends house)

- Q: Favourite love story?
-- A: I am not much of a love story kinda person... (does manga count because if so then Fruits Basket that manga is TOP-TIER *chefs kiss*)

- Q: What's the most attractive thing a person could wear?
-- A: Clothes

- Q: Chocolate, vanilla, or red velvet?
-- A: Red velvet all the way (i hate chocolate and vanilla is kinda too plain)

- Q: Snow, rain, or sun?
-- A: Snow 

- Q: Sweetest romantic memory?
-- A: When I got married in Among Us

- Q: Favourite dating sim, and favourite character?
-- A: Doki Doki Literature Club ;) ...and Natsuki

- Q: Fictional crushes?
-- A: Riza Hawkeye please gently wrap me in your arms and embrace me and tell me everything is going to be alright

- Q: What's your dream wedding like?
-- A: No wedding!!!

- Q: What makes you blush?
-- A: Secondhand embarrassment

- Q: Do you believe in love at first sight?
-- A: No

- Q: Do you believe in soulmates?
-- A: Platonic soulmates yeah

- Q: Denim jackets, leather jackets, or bomber jackets?
-- A: Leather jackets. No offence to people who like denim jackets, but who on earth likes denim jackets????

- Q: What's your sign?
-- A: Libra

- Q: Are you single?
-- A: Single and never ready to mingle

- Q: Do you prefer to charm or be charmed?
-- A: Charm

- Q: Guitar or piano?
-- A: Piano *plays megalovania on keyboard*

- Q: Favourite romcom or romantic movie?
-- A: If I say Warm Bodies will I immediately be shot on sight because if so then Warm Bodies (I watched it so many times when I was like 12 and I Don't Know Why)

- Q: Do you fall in love easily?
-- A: No

- Q: Valentine's decorations, yay or nay?
-- A: Nah, I don't even put decorations up for any other holidays

- Q: Would you prefer to propose or be proposed to? What's your dream proposal?
-- A: I'd rather neither, but if I had to choose I guess I'd rather be proposed to. And somewhere secluded??? Being proposed to somewhere where a lot of people are would be very pressuring lol

- Q: Cloudgazing or stargazing?
-- A: Cloudgazing because I'm afraid of the dark :-D

- Q: Do you like to dance?
-- A: I mean, bobbing my head and doing a lil jig when a really good song comes on, sure. Not a full dance tho I've got shame

- Q: What's your OTP?

- Q: Kittens or puppies?
-- A: Kittens. Help I got a cat in September and I'm slowly phasing from a dog person to a cat person (he's a fat bastard but I love him)

- Q: Coffee, hot chocolate, or tea?
-- A: Hot chocolate!!

- Q: Favourite soda?
-- A: I don't drink soda much but I guess Sprite?

- Q: Do you prefer gazing wistfully out the window or lying dramatically over the sofa?
-- A: Gazing wistfully out of the myself (badum psst)

- Q: Favourite ABBA song?
-- A: Haven't listened to much ABBA, the only songs of theirs I know are Dancing Queen and Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! lol

- Q: Kiss/Marry/Kill?
-- A: Kiss Blue (from Wolf's Rain), Marry Riza Hawkeye (from Fullmetal Alchemist), and (y'all better buckle up), Kill Sousuke Aizen, Gin Ichimaru, Malty S. Melromarc, Dino Golzine, Kokichi Ouma, Izaya Orihara, Muzan Kibutsuji, Kyuubey, Lord Darcia III, Akito Sohma... Overall I mostly hate the antagonists lol.

- Q: Favourite pajamas?
-- A: Any t-shirt, socks and these blue star-pattern fuzzy pyjamas I have :D

- Q: Favourite liquor?
-- A: I am a minor.

- Q: Do you think about love a lot?
-- A: I think about how much I would love to fall sleep for all eternity

- Q: A walk in the park or a walk on the beach?
-- A: Beach, the perfect spot for hiding bodies :-)

- Q: Hand kisses or nose kissies?
-- A: Hand kisses? Being so close to someone would make me uncomfortable

- Q: What's your dream house?
-- A: A house with a roof and a front door and walls and windows (lol) and rooms

afterword: le epic


You stole it from me and I stole it from yakko, who stole it from kitchenknife, who stole it from Alienpvppy, I'm not sure if they stole it from anyone or not-


I was reading this real quick before leaving for school in the morning and I got to the "sweetest romantic memory" question and LOST IT. Your Among Us wedding was a very sweet one indeed