friends/other relationships for yuuta?

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago by vanille
that precious baby is definitely my most important character and i'm incredibly attached to him [maybe a little too much < v <''] 
and he's definitely also my most developed character 
as well 
bUUUT i haven't been able to use him much lately because of his increasing lack of ahem ... friends 
i really miss headcanoning and commissioning lots of cute stuff with him and others !
so maybe, if you're interested-- you could leave a comment with a character or two and some info/ideas you have ??
all of yuuta's info can be found here:
[cringing so much at his bio tho ugh i should probably rewrite it]
oh and this is probabaly obvious, but any character you suggest has to be human
no closed specie type characters or characters from a fantasy type universe
and it'd be nice if you'd also wanna actively take part in their relationship, like drawing/commission/headcanon  


Gah, I've always loved your Yuuta ///w/// Maybe he could be friends with Coda? ; w ;