
Posted 3 years, 7 months ago by Neopalitan


This isn't a demand, but this is a list of amazing Artists and species I am hoping to get some day~
The stars indicate my biggest interests and hopes TwT
The creators are either linked here or DeviantART <3


***** Lilidae- hen-tie (Any kind for future Lilidae RP ;w; )

***** Dranimea- Rucyna (They are the #1 Species for my main story   )

*** Wishbone- resilverflare (Noticed these a lot and wouldn't mind one)

**** Areques- sr1023 (They are beautiful and would be amazing for my stories ;w; )

*** Scheduler or anything from "Piku-Chan" (Their designs are amazing!)

**** Astral God- katzyrine (They are amazing and the background story of each one is amazing! )

***Dainties- Pajuxi-Adopts (I've seen a lot and they are cute!)

***Dreamies- unbral-wind (I would love a fallen/evil looking one or one involving rainbows QwQ )


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