Happy Valentines Day

Posted 7 years, 3 months ago by Kree-Kat

a little late but the valentines day dump is offically over~ so you can breathe a sigh of relief as i stop clogging your inbox lol
i hope all of you enjoyed the day however you liked!


Happy v-day! <3

^v^ aw thank you! i hope you had a good one too <3

It was nice! I got a gift of Lush from someone, and heart candies from another. >u< Yours?

just had a nice relaxing day and ate some good food <3 it was perfect

Very very nice! =D

It was also my mom's birthday, so we had cake and ice cream and a really nice dinner.

So many cutes

ah but they're all so worth it ;A;

Of course! Never said they weren't ma dear~ ;3