March 2021 Change Log

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by Myrna CentaurWorks

How do your characters feel about the rain?

1 Votes Most of them love it
2 Votes They Tolerate it
0 Votes They don't care either way
0 Votes They Hate it
0 Votes Most of the despise it

Oi, Ello there. We're startin off this little change log a bit late 'ere aren't we? Well, this is my kind of month after all, so I eh kinda begged to be the host of this one. Might be slow this month as well compared to last month so hope you guys are okeh with that.


This month officially marks a full year of quarantine in the United States due to the COVID-19 outbreak. It has been a rough year at that, more so to many other people, but in that year alone we have made many strides to keep on progressing forward. From improvements on the "Work at Home order" to the current greenlights of vaccinations, there is a light at the end of this tunnel. Hang in there as long as possible, and thank you to all my friends for helping me stay sane during the major rough moments of 2020.

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