10 Characters Meme Thing

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago by seraphixe

Sup, I got this from deviantart, and just wanted to do it bc I was wanting to work kn developing some character personalities a bit more. Most of these characters would never meet, but its fun to think abt if they did all live in the same world, or existed in each others.

10 Character Meme! by Pony-Luver101, May 31, 2013, 8:29:40 PM Literature / Characters & Settings / Contemporary / Settings Choose 10 of your favourite characters/OCs/Friends/Celebrites/other.

1: Kaleb
2: Ella
3: Jesse
4: Alphie
5: Scarlet
6: Charley
7: Chouse
8: Hespe
9: Adelaide
10: Sam

1: [4] finds a time machine! What time period do they visit?!
Alphie would probably visit the 1800's, in Germany, to cash in on the werewolf fear.

2: [2] falls in love with [9], but knows that [9] is dating [6]. What happens?
Ella would be Adelaide's friend, and would respect her relationship with Charley. But after pining for a long while, she would confess that she's in love with her. Adelaide would probably be flustered but flattered, and resolve to talk to Charley about it. They might try a poly relationship for a while, but Ella wouldn't be able tk get over her posessive nature, and it would either end with Addie and Charlie breaking up, or Addie and Ella's friendship ending.

3:[1] wakes up in [3]'s house with no memory of how they got there.
Not surprising, they were probably partying together, and Kaleb got smashed and forgot.

4: [7] receives a love note from [5]. What does it say? How does [7] react?
Wouldn't happen, but if it did, it would read something like "Chouse, you are the moon to my howling heart. I want nothing except to be with you. Please, cone see me? ❤Scar"

Chouse would be uncomfortable and probably burn it, he's not typically interested in relationships, and this sounds too 'love' driven for him.

5: [10] and [6] get married!
Charley would be blushing the entire time, and Sam would just be excited. They probably have paranormal themed decorations and cake toppers, and its the typical white but with pink tones in like the streamers. They both wear suits, and Charlie leaves their mask off the whole time.

6: [2] and [5] are stuck on a deserted island. Who survives longest?
Ella is tough, but Scarlet can hunt with her teeth and claws. I like to think they'd end up cooperating, but Ella would probably get a disease of some sort, and Scarlet would end up lasting longer.

7: [9] beats up [3]. Why?
Jesse would have had to have done something pretty serious to work Addie up like that, so probably something like ruining her relationship or destroying something she held dear.

8: [8] murders [4] and [10] takes the blame.
Hespe would probably murder Alphie, mistaking her for a monster. After realising her mistake, she confesses to Sam, who is already probably wanted in Hespe's world for heresay against the church, so he accepts the blame, as he's already in pretty deep trouble.

9: ZOMBIES! How does [7] react?
Chouse doesn't care, he's a demon. He'd probably revel in the discourse and misery cause by it, though.

10: [2] traps [1] in a hole.
He deserved it. :/

11: [6] is captured by [3]. How does [10] react?
They dont actually know each other, but playing off the situation in situation 5, Sam is a mess, and thinks the police arent doing enough, so he goes digging on his own. Does everything he can to find Charley, probably cries a lot.

12: [7] and [9] go on a holiday. Where?
Probably somewhere tropical, Addie's family can afford it and Chouse can go wherever he pleases. They play on the beach, and Chouse is probably flirtung with Addie the whole time, but she just blushes and chides him. Theyd b decent friends.

13: [5], [1] and [3] are cursed. What happens to them?
Scarlet, Jesse, and Kaleb... hm, itd be neat if the curse like... switched their species? Like, so Jess and Kaleb are wolfs, and Scarlet is a cute kemonomimi girl. Scarlet is probably uncomfortable, misses her teeth and claws, but Kaleb and Jesse would have fun as wolves after some initial discomfort.

14: [2] and [4] visit a haunted house.
Ella and Alphie probably act real tough, but when they get in, theyre both shrieking and clinging to each other. They sweaf never to tell anyone.

15: [9] is genderswapped. Describe [8]'s reaction.
Hespe is Bi, and Addie isnt really her type, she likes a girl that can handle herself and Addie is rlly soft and gentle. But Hespe's taste in men is more gentle, so Addie genderswapped would probably have Hespe hitting on him.

16: [2] throws a surprise party for [6].
Charley isnt fond of surprises, but Ella probably actually tipped them off like "hey, i know you dont like surprises, so just so you know, im throwing you a party. Just pretend you didnt know about it." Bc its not fun if the main party guest is upset. Charley has a good time, and thanks Ella afterwards by lifting his mask and kissing her cheek, and she she smiles at them, and appreciates what seems like a small sign of appreciation and affection, but from Charley is a whole lot more.

17: THE END! Tag someone or describe what [5]'s reaction to this entire meme is.

Scarlet wouldnt care, laffs.
Also anyone who wants to should do this!! It was fun.


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