UFT: Heartbaby, Blakrye, Nubeiru +

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago by Pumpkin

Cross posting from dA just in case ;v;/

Still got some kiddos left UFT if anyone's interested <3

Edit: White Blakrye was traded~!

LoveNotes (preferably male though females are welcome~)
Pastrie-Puffs/Pastie Designs (includes all her CS and Non-CS)
Watchers [ Species by Diorama/Dio ]
Designs by Mowtei~ [ mainly Doggoons, Aqwari and Cydos~! ]
Fantasy / RPG designs by Rehmiel [ non CS ]

Message me if interested ;v;/

Important, please read before offering:
♬♬ I am not looking for vouchers
♬♬ Note me if you're interested~!
♬♬ Will be picky with MYOs
♬♬ If you have no intention of trading, replying or following through once your offer has been accepted, please refrain from offering. This gets very disheartening the more it happens so please spare us both the unpleasant situation.
♬♬ I am only trading these, not reselling for now~!
♬♬ I can choose to keep these in the end since I'm still very concerned about where they would / could go
♬♬ I am only trading the Heartbaby for a LoveNote ( I might consider a HeartString though~! ). I am not looking for anything else for these so please understand ;v;/
♬♬ If you're considering a 3 way trade, I'd like to know who is it going to (I'm not fond of trade fodder) and if they're aware of you wishing to do a 3 way trade (The adopt /must/ still be for you, not the mystery third party! )
♬♬ Do not offer me characters you don't currently own unless you're sure you can obtain them and that their current owner has them up for trade~! I don't want anyone bothering someone else asking them for kids they're not trading, so please, don't do this...

Thank you for looking~!


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