[CLOSED] 100+ Raffle!!

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by pendraconic

About time I hosted one of these myself tbh

32 Votes I'm entering!
9 Votes Not gonna enter, but good luck to everyone who does!

oh yeah i did say i was gonna host one of these, didn't i?

I hit 100 subscribers (again thank you all so much for your support <33) so now I'm hosting a raffle!

Ends April 7th, so a little bit over a week from now!

How To Enter

REQUIRED (all of this will give you your first ticket for the raffle)

  • Be subscribed (new subscribers welcome!); this is a raffle for my subscribers after all!
  • Share this in a bulletin
  • Comment on this with a link to your bulletin

EXTRA TICKETS (please let me know when commenting if you've got any)

  • Suggest names for any of my nameless characters
    • +1 ticket each, up to 3 tickets
    • Must be names that nobody has suggested for those characters yet; can submit multiple for one character
  • Draw any of my sonas/mains, my comfort characters, or the characters in Crashing or Fools' Golden Hearts; please make sure they have the "draw" tag before drawing them!
    • 3 tickets for a headshot/bust, 4 for a halfbody, 5 for a fullbody (+2 if shaded)
    • Bonus tickets if you draw multiple characters interacting! (Includes other peoples' characters but please make sure it's okay with said person first!) Feel free to ask if you don't know which of my characters can/should canonically interact with others!
  • Use https://incorrect-quotes-generator.neocities.org/ to generate incorrect quotes of any characters with the "draw" tag or of the main characters in Lore (Lukarne, Axelle, & Jackie)
    • +2 ticket but please feel free to keep sending them after that, I think they're really funny
    • Please don't send shipping ones unless the characters are actually in a relationship though!! There's no way to filter them out yet :')


1st place Off-base custom design w/ simple ref OR shaded fullbody w/ background

2nd place - Off-base custom design OR shaded fullbody

3rd place (100+ tickets) - On-base custom design OR unshaded fullbody

Will potentially add more if enough people are interested!


The raffle is now closed; I will draw numbers and announce winners later this afternoon (around 4pm EST, most likely).

Sorry that this is being closed two days late!!! I got very busy with something else I was running & forgot it was the 7th, and then just wasn't checking TH for a couple of days and forgot even longer;; I can never host a contest without something going wrong, lmao

Subbed and here’s the bulletin!

You've got ticket #112!! ^^

Already subbed and shared! Thanks again for the opportunity, and good luck to everyone!!

Thank you for joining! You've got ticket #111!! ^^

Thank you!! :D

Subbed and shared! I'd love to give names but I'm terrible with names, ack-

You've got ticket #102!!

And tbh, even if you're bad with names, why not shoot your shot? The names still count for tickets whether I end up using them or not, and you might turn out to be better with names than you think! ^^

Subbed and shared! :3 thank you for this opportunity :D https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/283270.aye-o-join-this

You've got ticket #101!! Thank you for joining ^^

Thank you for the ticket! :D

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You've got ticket #100!!

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You've got ticket #99!!

Looking forward to possible names/art from you 'cause I know they're gonna be awesome ^^

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Am definitely gonna be using some of these, thank you for the suggestions!!

Tickets #106-108 are yours now as well!

You've got ticket #98!!

I sadly can't count those name suggestions as BLZK is co-owned & therefore the name decision isn't entirely up to me ;; If you're okay with suggesting names for (a) character(s) that aren't co-owned though then I can definitely give you the extra tickets!

that's fine!! i have this quote for axelle instead:

If you can’t beat them, dress better than them.

Seems more like a Jackie quote imo, but perhaps Axelle speaking to Jackie...? :eyes:

In any case, you've got tickets #109 & #110 now too!

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You've got ticket #97!!



https://toyhou.se/7341339.nn (retro)

https://toyhou.se/7630037.tbn (cloaked stars)

https://toyhou.se/6309522.tbn (AshThorn)

https://toyhou.se/5403676.tbn (Clower)

https://toyhou.se/3269806.tbn (Alistair)

Yeah so i tried to come up with a few names! hopefully the links work ^^

You've got tickets #93-96!!

The links do in fact work, and I think those are some really interesting names! Not sure how many of them I might use (esp since one of them has a name already, but that's my fault for not updating his profile) but the suggestions are appreciated all the same!! ^^

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I'm really sorry about this, but due to how new your account is & the amount of incorrectly credited art/designs in your gallery, I can't like.. verify you, if that makes any sense?

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What I mean is basically, if someone's account is very new & they have a lot of uncredited art, there's no way for me to determine if they're a genuine new user or a troll/scammer/etc and I just don't want to have to take that chance if I can avoid it. I'm not accusing you of anything of course; I have no evidence & no reason to do so, but I know there very much are people on this site that would try seeming like a new user to scam people.

However I see you've made an effort to credit the art/designs where you can, which is something an actual thief/scammer most likely wouldn't do, so I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt as well as ticket #103!

Again I apologize for being suspicious of you but it's better safe than sorry, yeah? Thank you for being so understanding of it, though ^^

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My mistake, I'd forgotten that you'd done the requirements for extra tickets as well- that's what I get for trying to hand out tickets so late at night, lol. With the names (+3) and the quote (+2) you should have five more tickets; unfortunately I gave tickets to some other people before getting back to you, so you don't have the tickets that you would have had, but you do have #112-117!

And thank you!! But I'd hardly call it amazing, I'm just trying to keep an eye out & make sure I'm not getting bamboozled, so to speak ^^; I think it's amazing of you to admit you weren't crediting correctly and take the necessary steps to fix it, cause there's a lot of people who would just get angry/defensive and refuse to make the changes.

No need for disqualifications or anything of the sort, thank you for joining the raffle and good luck!! ^^

1 Replies

You've got ticket #92!!

- Subbed

- Bulletin

- This guy could be named Cloud or Gale

- They could be called Gingerbread or Vinnie

- Finally, this kiddo could be named Hypno

- Jackie: I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don’t know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude.

You've got tickets #86-91!!

I'm not sure if I'll end up using any of those names, but thank you for the suggestions nonetheless! That's also a very good quote for Jackie, lol- I can imagine them & Luka having a debate over that

Aa ok!

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Just letting you know that you linked to your general profile instead of the specific bulletin!

I was able to find the bulletin though, so you've got ticket #85! Thank you for joining ^^

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Howdy, ily too!! And also are you ok? That was quite a fall

I have indeed already seen the bulletin, and that plus the fact that you're subscribed has gotten you ticket #84!

If you do end up drawing any of my characters then I'm looking forward to it!!! I know whatever you draw will turn out absolutely amazing <33

And also? Even if the quote isn't 100% accurate, feel free to send it (as long as it's not a shipping one for two characters who aren't in a ship)! I honestly think the inaccurate ones can be funnier than the accurate ones sometimes, as it's interesting imagining what kind of scenario would've led to the character(s) saying that- and also it's an incorrect quote generator in the first place, not a correct quote generator!! Go nuts with it, I don't mind at all ^^

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Impressive regeneration! I don't think I knew you could do that

AND HEY SEE WHAT I MEAN? That quote's hardly accurate but it's still (in my opinion, at least) really funny!! Sometimes seeing characters be hilariously out of character like this is, well, hilarious :>

You've got tickets #104 & #105 now as well! ^^

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remington PINEAPPLES Fadedstarrs kylec0re TheShadowFlower

Sorry for the pings folks, but just a reminder that this is only open for two more days (will most likely close at around 5pm EST) so if you'd still like to enter then you'd better do so soon ^^

1. Bulletin :-D

2. I'm shit at coming up with names but uhhhh here's 3 names for 3 characters; Wisteria, Marinos, n Zack?


4. PROMPTS!!!!!


+1 ticket from subscribing/the bulletin

+3 tickets from the names (also shush you are amazing at coming up with names!! i think im gonna use variations of these, if not those exact ones!)

+hello???????? hELLO??????????? I'm honestly still shocked that anyone drew my characters AT ALL for this, not to mention THREE WHOLE PIECES????? THESE ARE BEAUTIFUL BUT ALSO WINDOW YOURE A MADWOMAN
Fullbody (5) + Shaded (2) + Fullbody (5) + Halfbody (4) = 16????? //SWEATS

+2 tickets from the PROMPTS!!!!! I had to nerf the prompts thing and make it one-time-only cause otherwise it would've been too easy for people to get like.. infinite tickets but the fact that a) you got as addicted to generating quotes as I have and b) THEYRE ALL INCREDIBLY FUCKIN FUNNY earns you infinite tickets in spirit

Which is.. 22 tickets in total, so you've got tickets #62-83 and I think the tickets are afraid of you now

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You've got ticket #44!

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Tickets 37-42 are yours!!

I wasn't actually sure if I could count the BLZK one as that's a co-owned character so the name decision isn't fully up to me, but you've intimidated me by suggesting something scarily close to the name my friend & I were discussing naming them yesterday so I'm going to give you that ticket anyway for your potential psychic powers.

ALSO. THE ACCURACY OF THE JACKIE QUOTE HSGDJKSNJSJD thank you. i think the sheer thought of having to fight a bird would be too much for them

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subscribed + https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/276526.ayo-check-out-the-pog-raffle- + extra tickets!

a name i could think of for https://toyhou.se/6309522.tbn was lava/magma?

and here's the screenshot of the incorrect quote hehe - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/821341127160496130/825889968408494110/unknown.png

Tickets 33-36 are yours!!



i subscribed!! here's the bulletin, thanks for the opportunity!! 

Ticket #32 is yours, and thank you for joining!!

alright, thank you so much!!

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You've got tickets 28-31, but also how dare you suggest naming my Trollsona "Clyde" </3

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Indeed! Good luck to everyone

Ooh Cyrus kinda slaps!! Tbh I've wanted a character named that for a while and just never really had a good opportunity for it


https://toyhou.se/7470707.nn coco/coconut (for their color lol)

https://toyhou.se/9949117.tbn andromeda (or maybe some other galaxy?)

https://toyhou.se/9665969.tbn pinyon (or some other pine species, it's all i could think of)


and some bonus names:

https://toyhou.se/9665980.tbn jay, starling (i looked through after i typed this and realized it was already suggested oop), stellar

https://toyhou.se/9584886.-tbn- neptune (because ocean,,,), vancouver (don't ask why, it just somehow fits their vibe??) 

You've got tickets 24-27!!

Some of these names I probably won't be able to use as I've already got characters named similarly or they just don't rlly click but a lot of them I honestly?? might end up going with?? Tbh Vancouver VIBES as a name not even just for that character but like. in general


fern, skye, dusk, ultraviolet (or UV????), splat, algae, midori, moonshine, feather, verdensrommet, scruffy, mania, kansu, mossly, fallkyn, bryson, sunny, ghost, yuvraj, colt (i told you id go ham with the names, i dont care about the limit hecka YUO)

i will draw characters later :3

HDGJSJDJDJSK YOU WERENT KIDDING WHEN YOU SAID YOU WERE GONNA GO WILD WITH THE NAMES????? british TWINK singlehandedly solves my character name crisis 2021 colourized


Tickets 19-23 are yours. Use them wisely. I will be watching. >:)c

Tickets 15-18 are now yours!!

Tyvm for the name suggestions as well; I'm not sure if I'll end up going w/ any of those but it's appreciated either way! ^^

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You've got tickets 11-14!!

I really like all of those names as well :0c

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Tickets 9 & 10 are yours!! <33

I like the name but I'm not sure it fits for 'em? Perhaps another character though, and thanks for the suggestion either way!

already subbed | bulletin | for the names, maybe blackjack, koi, and gadget? | will get to drawing soon >:3

OH!! HHDKSJDK Casino Card Duskky actually already has a name (Acerola/Ace), the tag was just there as a reminder for me to change it cause I'm planning on making him not a Duskky; I've updated the tag now! Sorry for the mishap :"0

Tickets 6-8 are yours, and I'm excited to see the art if you make any! :0c

that's alright! that's a rad name btw :o

and ty!

* gently pokes * 👀



Said this already on Discord but holy cow man, that art of Taika is stunning!! Thank you so much <33

+2 tickets from the quote, and +7 from the art; tickets #53-61 are yours now as well!!

thank you!! and yw!! ^^

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You've got ticket #5!

bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/276240.raffle-nm-

for this guy i thought the names kinsley, royce, simeon, or percival may fit! i'm planning to draw kelz and mina together later :)

You've got tickets 1-4!!

I really like Kinsley & Pervical :0c Also if you do in fact make art of those two, I'm excited to see it!! I know it'll be great <33

here’s the art!! hope it looks alright ! <3


"Alright"?? Rose this is BEAUTIFUL!!!! I LOVE IT TYSM <333

Two halfbodies, each worth four, so eight more tickets! Tickets 45-52 are yours!!

eee I’m glad you like it!! thank you :D <33