"hi do you accept offers?" - a guide

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by teaunicorn

"hi is this character for sale?"

unless they're tagged EO or they're here, no, literally never, why would i sell you a character that's happily homed in my TH unprompted, this is such a random question LMAOOOO no im not gonna sell you my character! you are so weird.

"hi, is this character open to offers?"

don't ask me this, im always gonna say no. if you want to make an offer on a character just come into my inbox with your offer already made. instead of "are you open to offers?" just be like "here's my left foot adelaide please" and i'll think about it, okay? if u don't want to waste ur time u shouldn't be wasting your time anyways coming into my DMs!!

"are you mad?"

no, that's just my tone on the internet. i find unsolicited offers extremely hilarious. i might come off as mean or angry - i'm really not either, i'm just deeply amused. if you don't want to be laughed at, maybe don't offer on the kid who literally has the line "every time you offer on her i only gain more power" in her bio LOL

"why does your bio say you're not opposed to unsolicited offers then"

because they're sooooooooooo funny. and who knows! i might actually take one someday. you're the one knocking on my door unprompted, i really don't owe u anything LOL


hi can i offer my left shoe sole for all the ocs in ur th

sorry someone offered me a pair of shoes for the same thing just before you :// but ty for the offer!!

how about my left asscheek for adelaide-

sorry, AB is two left feet : /

ok but what if I offer TWO left feet for Adelaide UH ?! LMAOOOO

instant accept sending u ade immediately- LOL