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I am super trash! :D

We have a lot for the cord mascot open. Trying to get a lot filled up so I can order two boxes!

Chika/Riko/Ruby/and Hanamaru open for below!

If images don't show, just go browse my twitter and weebly!

Spread the word to your LL trash friends. lol 

>>sonyaism ♥


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I can put you down on the second box but atm I need to see if I can get more claims. I will alert you if I am not ordering or will be!

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Hmmm...Is there any way for you to pay earlier? I am hoping to put in this order to pay for when I leave town next Tuesday. So I hope to get everything paid for on Monday at latest!

Hey there! I want to update that sadly the 2nd box will not be ordered. I did not get enough claims to get another box. :(

I don't foresee anyone claiming from now and tomorrow (which is when I close). Thank you for your interest nonethless. T uT!!!!!