About Me

Posted 3 years, 25 days ago by tkettIe

About Me

Ket ✦ 1992 ✦ he/him

»»————- ᴍʏ ʟɪғᴇ ————-««

𝕄y name is tkettie, as it says very clearly on the tin. I am a genderfluid moron, I'm 50/50 INFP INTP, true neutral, and I like my stupid quiz generated labels as much as the next millennial. I am transgender, but genderfluid. I do not care if you call me by my birth sex (female) or my chosen (male). You can call me a pigeon for all I care.

Unfortunately I have my problems: and you should know them if you attempt to reach out to me. I suffer from a disorder called Borderline Personality Disorder- and it's not a "cool" one that I could brag about on my myspace page. It makes me extremely anxious about being left behind or abandoned, that everyone hates me, and obnoxiously clingy as a result at times.  To prevent you from getting tired of me; I will say or do anything to make you leave on my own terms. I am learning to manage this, but it is not easy. I can be irrational, jealous, and angry at times and for that I will apologize for at nauseum, but it's something I honestly cannot control, but am doing my best to learn how to.

»»————- ᴍʏ ᴀʀᴛ ————-««

𝕀am an artist who's not the best and definitely not the worst. My art abilities and I are often at odds so it's a somewhat tense relationship where we insult each other constantly to get anything substantial done. 

I thrive on character interaction, but I am very shy regarding RP due to an entourage of bad experiences, so I am closed off to the public and only allow select places to approach me for requests.

My characters are kind of my pride and joy, I love every single one of them to the best of my ability. This being said, I take a lot of time to develop and nurture their personalities and diversity.

Some of them are not for the faint of heart and can contain disturbing elements. These are marked "Dark OCs" and please do not even attempt to chastise me for it because I am not my characters, and frankly I do not care. Hannibal Lecture is not a real person and neither is the Joker or Cruella de Ville. The same rule apply to them as my characters, they're just characters and they have no reflection upon me. 


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