Set Price - Daeles Easter GA (OPEN)

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by Neyuse


Here is the last part of the easter celebrarion for the species, our first Guest Artist!!
The artist of this colorful baby is mewple_syrup!!
They made and amazing job, hope you all like this kitty!!

Species info . Daeles TOS . TH World . Discord server . dA Group 


15 Tropical Garden: 35€ OPEN

Multiple color essence: Rare | Stamens - Common | Repetitive tattoo - Common | Intact Seal - Common | Bob cat Tail - Common | Cat paw feet - Special

Designer: Mewple_Syrup

Comment bellow to claim


The winner of last week raffle has been announced on the discord and has already been contacted
Thank you so much to everyone who took part in the egg hunt and enjoyed the evemts!!
See you soon for the next one!


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