I don't play video game very often, but I do occasionally.

I'm in the mood for, idk, a game or two.

Some of my favorites were Untitled Goose Game, Changed, Henry Stickmin, and There Is No Game.

Anyone know ant games kind of like those?

If not, you can still recommend some of your favorite games.

I'm good with most things, just no suicide (DDLC kind of permanently scarred me, so please nothing like that. I try to forget about it)an excessive amount of gore, or anything sexual please.


late im not late uhh

so i'd really recommend league of legends :3 basically you choose a champion to play as (there's over a hundred of them to choose from) and you and a team of 4 other people will go up against another team of 5! Basically, on your side of the map is your nexus and on their side is their nexus, and you try to get across to the other side and work together to destroy theirs so you can win :D The map looks like this :Summoners-Rift-map-layout-basic.jpg

You can see there are 3 "lanes" to get across the map, top middle and bottom, and since you have a team of 5, 1 goes top, 1 goes middle, 2 go bottom, and 1 goes in the in between area! 

All the champions look different and do different things :3 it's really fun to like experiment with different ones and find one you like! I play as neeko usually (she looks like this lol) and you can like call your friends and play with them and stuff (its ok if you don't have a team of 4 friends to play with, you can always go solo or play with just a couple with people online uwu) OIP.l9WNPhxwPhbAsxLrRhEVIgHaNK?pid=ImgDe

Okay, I'll check it out :D

Ok, The Jellyfish Girl’s Abnormal Adventure? (It’s kinda scary but also adorable)

I can handle scary. I just don't like things really gory, like Purrfect Apawcalypse.
I was considering playing that, but I decided it would be best to not after watching the previews.

The Jellyfish Girl’s Abnormal Adventure is great! Not too scary, kinda dark, but not too scary. (I DONT WANNA SPOILLL) I hate gore too, but Purrfect Apocalypse was ok with me. (Coco is pog)

I might try Purrfect Apawcalypse when I feel I can handle it
Ngl, DDLC kind of scarred me
Anything about suicide haunts me now

Which is good and bad ig.
It means I'll never commit it
But also, uh, there's no recovering from it.
It caught me off-guard qwq

But I'll try out the game ^^

I might’ve forgotten a scene, so- Maybe I should check again to see if it’s ok.

Okay, good by me.

Recommendations: Niche and Cattails (On switch and steam) Wobbledogs and clone drone in the danger zone (only on steam as far as I know) Enjoy your four recommendations for games nobody has heard about!

Oh, and there is also sky: children of the light on iPad and on phones. It’s the only one of these that are free qwq (If u decide to get it, tell me so I can send you a friend code! >:) )

Sky is currently being downloaded.

The IPad I'm using is pretty old, so it's taking forever to download.

Does it have accounts if I were to want to use it on a different device?

sadly it doesn’t have accounts qwq. Should I send you the friend code now? 




Just click on the link! :3

if u have a switch,,

Legend of zelda breath of the wild is SO GOOD. its 60$ tho qwq It took me 4 months to beat sdhufio

I do actually have a Switch!

I, uh, don't have that much money though qwq.

I might watch a youtube playthrough eventually though!

ye s s

Its so awesome and pretty o-o

2 years ago Nintendo said they are working on a second one :00 Im so HYPED. No updates yet tho D:

ooh okay since u liked henry stickmin,, maybe you’ll like riddle school! :0 i liked it and there were a lot of games to it, (like a part 1,2,3..) and it was so much fun ^^ 

Ohhh I've heard of that before! I'll try it out!

if you wanna find obscure and cool games, I'd check out https://www.youtube.com/user/ManlyBadassHero

he plays neat indie games :)

I'll check it out!

my fav was a game called midnight train going anywhere I think? it was a short game but it had nice dialogue <3

Oo okay!

Uh- for mobile games "My Turn" is pretty cool, it's a strategic card game :)

Uh- "Phantom Rose" is pretty good as well-

I dunno, I don't usually touch computer games, and I mostly play Nintendo console games 👍

Okay, I'll check em out!

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Ayy I play that already. It's mainly a pass-time ^^

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Lmbo yes

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