-TOS/Adopt Policies-

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by InkyBlossom

Helo everyone- since i'm about to release some adopts and unused/untaken designs i have (sorry, not quite the raffle adopts yet!!) and updating my adopts folder, i decided to update my tos and adopt policies since the other one was done awfully and vague and just really outdated in general.

↠By owning, offering, and taking part into my design n adopts system you agree to these terms of service and policies below.↞


1. owning my designs:

as you provide a home for them, please:

* use them to your heart's content! whether if it's drawing them, developing them more, redesigning them, usin them in stories, rping as them, shipping them, kinning them, anything and everything basically! I do not care what you do with them anymore because you belong to you, not me. I will never ask for them back unless if i see them up for offers and i feel like having them back but that rarely happens either. It's simple- like you purchase something from the store and it belongs to you unless you yourself return it for whatever reason. I do not understand the concept of taking back designs so any designs you get from me is 100% yours. All i ask for in return is to credit me as their original designer! ^^ *

*and no need to ask, yes i do allow you to draw gore, suggestive art, or nsfw or any kind of art of the designs. they're yours! I love seeing my designs being drawn and used! just as long as the piece doesn't supprt anything bad or degrading such as hate-art or anything against lgbt+, racist, you know the rest and all the jazz... thats not cool but thats just the only thing i dont want my designs being used for! you can use them for anything as long as it doesnt hurt anyone.*

*DO NOT use the design until I declare they're yours! I wont even transfer them to you unless you complete what is need to be done to receive them. Common sense really like- you literally pay for something at the store before you use it.*

*DO NOT copy, steal, or get heavily inspired by my designs! It bothers me a lot, it's wrong and disrespectful >:(*

*protip: DO NOT guilt-trip me or try to make me feel bad about giving away a design to someone else that isn't you. that makes you look bad ew. guilt-tripping makes me feel awful anyways and makes me want to fall off the stairs and block you. Begging isn't good either. AND DONT go harassing the new owner of the design you wanted that makes u look like a scum just drop it and move on ffs*

2. giving away my designs:

i know the feeling of detachment of an oc or maybe you thought you were gonna use them but then it kinda just goes out the window... thats ok! I allow my designs to be given away or being put up for adopts again. They're your characters after all. I would just appreciate if you follow the following below:

*DO NOT give my designs away for points, money or any online currency! I currently don't make any profits from making these adopts so that would be so wrong of you to make money off of something I made that you got practically for friggin free. Thats basically equivalent to stealing my art and making money off of that. </3*

*DO NOT hoard my designs just to leave to collect dust! I spent time and effort on designs and i dont think they deserve to be left like that. But if you hoard em and somehow use most of them or have the intentions though, go right ahead but do be aware that i get more hesitant to give my designs away with the more you have because I do want other people to get a chance to get their hands on them too but it just really depends.*

*You do not have to update me on the design's new owner unless if it's someone from my blacklist! i could care less about the new owners but if you intentionally transfer them to someone I do not trust, you'll be a new member of the blacklist. Speaking of that-*

*DO NOT give away my designs to people on my blacklist! (I currently do not have anyone on there but this will be updated whenever i find or interact with peeps im not fond of.) I do not trust them for a reason and i would rather not have them have my designs but if they already had my design to begin with, I'm not going to go after and chasing em for my design back unless they stole em or smth?? That would contradict what i said earlier. You're not entitled to get the design from them for me but if you do, thats cool lol*

*similar to the hoarding policy, DO NOT hoard my designs just to create a "market" just to get better designs or smth of that sort?? Like collecting them fine but getting them and putting them up for adopts the second you get them like wtf dont do that please</3*

*gifting my designs away is fine? (im assuming you're giving it away to someone for free as a gift but if that's not the correct definition of that please correct me as im not familiar with this term. I just see people use it a lot.) I see nothing wrong with it but just know what you're doing and DON'T just hand em out randomly to people like a giveaway. like for ex: giving them to a friend as a gift is ok! Gift giveaways are not.*

*again, DO NOT host free gift giveaways or raffles with my designs! It makes it seem like they're worth nothing and that hurts and it's similar to creating a "market" system with my designs and thats not cool. If you wanna get rid of them that bad for free just give them back to me lmao*

*Feel free to co-own with my designs! have fun with that lol.*

3. how to get my designs/what i accept


-OTA (primary) Offer to adopt! make your offers in the comments and i'll look into it! we can talk more about it in the comments but if you prefer to contact me via discord, just say the word and i'll hand my tag to ya.

i usually accept arts, animations(memes?), customs, and premades (may be picky but if i like what i see, i'll take it)

If you say "see anyone you like?" without specifying which ones you prefer me not to take or that you're tent with then say so because thats annoying if i find someone i like yet you're not willing to give them away for the design- i probably don't even bother giving you the design anymore which is why im picky with premades.

I will not accept points, money, online currency, nitro, follows, favs, and anything else that i probably wont take.

if you offer me something that includes the following things on my blacklist, i wont even bother responding.

I will usually respond to all offers but if i don't answer, my apologies and you may have to remind me about it again or maybe i missed it. but if i ignore you, you probably did one of the things above.

feel free to offer again if the offer gets declined! just don't guilt-trip me about it.

Once I accept the offer, take all the time you need to get it done! i prefer that it doesn't take too long though.. If it does, i'll remind you in a month. If i get no response, i will put them up for adopts again. And it's totally fine if you drop out! you just obviously don't get the adopt. As soon as i see you finish and i receive the "payment", i'll transfer the design to you and they're officially yours!

If you have pending payments to get done and you offer on another adopt, i may be more hesitant to accept your offer because i rather you get your payment done first before getting more.

I don't do holds! I only do holds on discord so don't ask about it here on the adopt.

And I have a right to be tentative with some of my designs or decide to keep them. I simply got attached or im unsure whether to really give them away is all.


-Fav Raffle (rare-ish lol) Simple and you get the design by chance! All you have to do is fav the character and wait for the deadline! I'll put everyone who faved on a wheel and that will reveal the owner of the design! No tears if you don't win the raffle.. better luck next time!

Raffle designs will usually come in batches so more peoples have a chance of getting a design but they will have different deadlines! (usually a day or two later) You can fav all of the designs but you can only win one in that batch. If you win one, your favs on the other designs will not be counted for that batch! The batches will have names so there's no confusion.

And yes, if you win a design from the last batch, you're allowed to enter in the raffle for another future batch!

DO NOT USE ALTS TO TRY TO INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING ya cheater >:( theres nothing you can do to increase ur chances of winning and if i find out you used an alt, i will ban you from future raffles.

If you just wanna fav bc you like the design but don't wanna partake in the raffle, you'll have to say so in the comments so i don't get mixed up!

have fun!.... even though all you do is click a button and wait for the deadline lmao


-Custom trades/Design trades

If i open my custom trades/design trades here on toyhouse, I will usually have slots!

Just ask for a slot, and I'll take you in if it's open! 

Tell me what you're looking for in the design/custom and i will do the same! I'll do my best to complete my part of the trade!

I will never suddenly cancel the trade unless we both haven't started and we don't wanna trade anymore for whatever reason. 

If I finish my part of the trade before you do there's no backing out of the trade unless you really have to but you won't get the character and i will end up keeping it.

To avoid scams, I will submit the design I made for you on toyhouse but I will not transfer it to your account until you do the same for mine (submitting the design onto toyhouse) and we'll transfer it to each other at the same time! If you still manage to scam me you will immediately be put on my blacklist.  While I wait for your part, your custom will be in my pending folder until you finish yours. 

Same with otas: take all the time you need to get it done! i prefer that it doesn't take too long though.. If it does, i'll remind you in a month. If i get no response in a week or so, I will cancel the trade. If you respond after the week and depending on the reason why you weren't able to get it done or couldn't respond sooner, if you're lucky enough that i still have the design, didn't get attached to it and you're still interested in it, we can still complete the trade but it depends on the situation.

If i end up taking longer than 2 weeks to finish my part, please remind me but do not rush me! my apologies if it's taking longer than usual. I usually try to get it done within a week or so.

Do not assume that custom/design trades are open. I will make a bulletin with the included slots saying they are open! if you ask and i didn't make a bulletin about it, i will ignore you.


I simply owe you designs or customs

lucky you had a char up for offers that caught my eye and i offered customs/designs to give in return of that adopt of yours.

If i end up taking longer than 2 weeks to finish my payment, please remind me but do not rush me! my apologies if it's taking longer than usual. I usually try to get it done within a week or so.

I have a right to cancel the payment if I decided that I don't want the adopt anymore! I'm human and i can change my mind.

if you give me a hard time trying to offer or anything i won't even bother making any offers for any of your chars at all.


Others that i'll RARELY do on th (mostly on discord)

gto- guess to adopt. I give out a prompt or question or smth for a adopt and u have to guess the answer. whoever gets it right first gets the adopt XD

dta- draw to adopt. draw the char for a chance of winning it. it's not first come first served but ill judge all the entries and decide the winner and new owner of the adopt. no guilt-tripping or harassment if u dont win xp

pta/freebie- ping me to adopt. that's it.




if you ask i will start ignoring you. that defeats the entire purpose of the folder.

don't ask to put you on a ping list or anything if i ever put a char i have you're interested in up for adopts. I dont keep up with that.

you're allowed to put my designs and chars in a dreamies folders though ig..? I'm really flattered if yo do!! but theres a big chance i wont be giving them away anytime soon.

no need to apologize for fav spams lol- i appreciate it!

DONT try to sweet-talk me into giving you designs- thats creepy wtf 

forgive me for late responses and replies sob


Thats just about it! If you don't follow or agree to these policies, please to not interact with my designs and you'll be put on my blacklist.

I may make changes or update later if needed!

If you need clarifications, please dont hesitate to ask!

Whenever you make an offer or smth on my designs, uhh at least let me know you've read this once!!

Or just comment your favorite fruit in the comments on this bulletin at least so i know you've read it!

❤ THANK YOU so much if you did i spent way too long typing everything out im sorry it's so long but i hope you enjoy my designs and have a great day/night! ❤


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