- When did you first start traditional art?

When I was like, 7 or 8 or 9?? idk

- When did you first start digital art?


- How old were you when you started digital art?


- Who inspired you the most to start doing digital art?

Man idk. Random people I saw on deviantart???

- What art program do you currently use?


- Who's your current biggest inspo?

┻┳|・ω・) enzo :) :D

- Which material(s) did you start drawing digitally with first? (ex. trackpad, tablet, Phone, mouse..)

A mouse and Photoshop

- What type of tablet do you currently use? (ex. Wacom, Hunion, Gaomon...) / or computer, laptop

bold of you to assume i've ever used one (cries in mouse user)

- Which piece of digital art is your proudest piece so far?

I don't really have one that I'm proud of? If I had to choose, I guess this one (clouds will always be my favourite thing to draw :))

- What's the first social media platform you used when you did/started digital art?

Deviantart and Scratch

- What's the reason why you started digital art?

I really liked drawing edgy cats and was so proud of my shit drawings that I wanted other people to see them

- Are you happy you got into digital art? Why or why not?

Yeah, it's been very fun drawing things, meeting other ppl who draw, and making characters n stories.

- Are you happy with your current art style? Why or why not?

Hmmmmm I'm kind of in the middle? Like, a love-hate relationship?? It's definitely better than my old one n I'm proud of getting to where I'm at, but there's a lot of things I hate about my style,, none of which i can say because i'm on the spot lmao. But from what I've heard it;s a normal thing for artists to not like their own style so it's fine if... but also I'll draw something and a half hour later have to fight the urge to delete it because it's complete shit </3 oh the curse of being an artist

- What part of your art style do you wish to improve on the most?

Humans humans humans how do you draw them I don't know. Especially from the side, or even not just at the same angle I always draw them at LOL



CRIES @ YOU!!!!! <3333333

IT MAKES ME RLLY HAPPY TO HEAR THIS BUT ALSO!!!!! UNO REVERSE CARD!!!!! You were one of my biggest inspirations when I started doing digital art, and you still are to this day!!!!! <333

CRIES @ YOU BACK!!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3 SRSLY MAN. UR GONNA ACTUALLY MAKE ME CRY !!!!!! I TAKE THAT BACK,,, I ALREADY AM,,,,. You've always been my inspo too ever since I was but a lil babey on scratch named JuliePug and still even now :'D!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3original.jpg