accounts n things

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by gravetowns

heyoo just wanted to let y'all know some things

this account has become a storage account of sorts. i've amassed a lot of designs, all of which I adore... but having so many in one place is super overwhelming for me and my creativity.  so, i made pillguts to be my main account. it doesn't mean everyone here is up for offers or anything or that i don't headcanon anyone here.  and no i'm not abandoning this account either.  i just log in very rarely- whereas i check pillguts like daily and focus on the characters there a lot more.  i intend on working on them little by little, transferring some more from here when i feel up for it/when the muse strikes and other stuff.  

so yeah uhhh sorry for the confusion but thanks for sticking with me <3 y'all are rad


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