If i could

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by Plague_Da_Artist

Yoinked from Pumpkin-Spice

If you could…

  1. Travel anywhere, where would it be? JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA 
  2. Meet anyone, who would it be? Well all my freinds on here,discord,twitter. Also my GF I MISS HERRRRRR
  3. Bring anyone dead back to life, who would it be? My friend Nico he killed himself it was...hard to say the least
  4. Be anyone for a day, who would it be? Hmmmmmm I want to beeee Sakurai
  5. Get anything for free for the rest of your life what would it be? Money or a infinite bag of sour patch watermelon
  6. Change one thing about your life what would it be? My height 
  7. Have any superpower what would it be? EXPLOSIONS,anti magic or demon powers im on the fence with the 3
  8. Be any animal for a day which would you be? MONKEEE
  9. Date anyone who would it be? Hmmm I got a GF and I wouldn't pick anyone else
  10. Change one thing about the world what would it be?  *deletes twitter worldwide* OMG who would DO THAT
  11. Live in any fictional universe which would you choose? MONSTER HUNTERRRRRRRRRR
  12. Eliminate one of your human needs which would you get rid of? Breathing
  13. Change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be? Be taller
  14. Change one of your personality traits which would you choose? My clingyness (my GF thinks it's cute but I see it as a huge problem)
  15. Be talented at anything instantly what would you choose? Hitting R2 at the right time so I can counter with the LS perfectly
  16. Forget one event in your life which would you choose? high school
  17. Erase an event from history (make it so it never happened) which would you choose? I dont wanna talk about it but it happened in high school as well
  18. Have any hair/eye/skin color, which would you choose? Dyed hair i would wnat to dye it wth silver tips
  19. Be any weight/body type, which would you choose? Medium build with reasonable muscles
  20. Live in any country/city, where would you choose? Japanese
  21. Change one law in your country, which would you change? Murderers in jail for life always
  22. Be any height, which would you choose? 6'0 or 5'9
  23. Have any job in the world, which would you choose? Gamer
  24. Have anything appear in your pocket right now, what would it be? Crested Gecko
  25. Have anyone beside you right now, who would it be? The BOIS


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