The Sins [wip; ignore]

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago by Kynn

The Sins

The Sins are a small private species of characters between me and some friends. There will only be seven in existence and each represent one of the seven deadly sins:  Pride, Wrath, Greed, Envy, Sloth, Gluttony, and Lust. So far, four are currently designed and the other three are in standby until I know what to do with them or who to give them to.



The Sins existed before all creation. Before the universes came to be even a thought in mind. They were older than the gods themselves, older than the soil which mortals now walk on. The Sins are eternal and everlasting, unable to be killed permanently. To preserve the purity and safety of the multiverse, the Sins were intially kept away that while their influence still reached mortal lives, they were not in the full degree of their power. For awhile this worked, the Sins did their work and the worlds were at peace as best they could be with thier influence. But when Pandora opened the box, they were free. No one was safe as the Sin spread their influence across the universes with little regard to anyone but themselves. There were seven Sins, siblings to each other, though not by blood but by creation and purpose.

Pride was the first, the most powerful and arrogant. Then came Greed, the most cunning and manipulative. Lust came third, seductive and pulled like moth to flame. Sloth was the fourth, listless and draining. Fifth is Gluttony, hungry for more. Wrath came sixth, the strongest and most destructive. And youngest was Envy, the seventh and the selfish.

For a time, they were even called the Crossroads Demons. Legend has it that if your want is great, they will find you. They always do. One must merely go to a crossroad and wait. If you're lucky, you'd be met with a lesser demon. Usually one of the Sins' underlings or maybe even one of their previous contracts-turned-demon. But if you're unlucky, you just might meet one of the siblings. Beware for what you want might not be what you need. But it would be too late by then for the Marke you will carry will follow you for eternity.

You belong to them. You always did.


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