About me survey thing

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by Foxpawz

Stole this from Silvie who stole it from archie who stole it from anchored :D

»»————-  ————-««

Name: Piper 

Birthday: Jan. 7th 

Height: idk around 5’6

Weight: e

Eye Color: brown

Hair Color: also brown

Race: white 

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn???? Idk man I always forget

»»————-  ————-««


Drink?: no

Smoke?: n o

Use Drugs?: Only when they’re prescribed 

Cuss?: lol yes

Play Any Instruments?: piano

Have Any Piercings?: Ear piercings!

Have Any Tattoos?: n o

Like To Annoy People?: hehe maybe 

Like Life?: depends

Wear Make-Up?: occasionally 

Dye Your Hair?: nah. I wanted to for a long time when I was younger, but my parents wouldn’t let me lmao 

Scream At The top of your lungs for no reason?: hell yeah 

Get Distracted By Shiny Objects?: yesyes

Like Pina Coladas?: idk 😳

And Getting Caught In The Rain?: I like standing in the rain, but only when I choose to

»»————-  ————-««


Dependable?: I think?

Trustworthy?: yeAh?

Obsessive?: kinda haha

Hyper Active?: yep

Happy?: yeah most of the time :0

Content?: pretty much!

Boring?: I don’t think I am but idk

Violent?: not necessarily 

Evil?: ehehe

Hippie-Ish?: not really

Shy?: It depends. I’m trying to be better about being more confident tho!

Paranoid?: a bit 

Annoying?: lol yeah 

Social?: I try my best to be lmaoo

Religious?: h

»»————-  ————-««


TV show?: GLEE orstrangerthings 

Movie?: The Prom, Lion king, mean girls 

Band/Singer(s)?: AJR, Jack Stauber, Girl in Red. (Also musicals lma o)

Song?: idk, there’s too many sobs 

Book/Story?: Dear Evan Hansen

Color(s)?: blue!!

Shape?: Hearts 

Animal(s)?: Dogs, Foxes, cats, frogs, honestly any animal lmao

Person(s)?: All of my friends <333 

Smell?: rain, forests, pine

Flower?: I don’t know many flowers haha Ig a rose?

Subject?: Theatre or art. 

Board game: monopoly or game of life, I used to play those a lot.

Musical: Mean gorls 

Sport?: lol imagine being athletic


Quote?: Oh god there’s so many- 

“If I took a meat cleaver down the center of your face I’d have matching halves... that’s very important.” -Heathers 

"every 1 in 10 people are gay. that means one of the 12 apostles could have been gay. my guess is simon because that name's the gayest."- mercedes, glee

“Dolphins are just gay sharks” -Brittany, glee 

Hobby?: Art, singing, acting

Store?: Micheal’s 

Season?: Spring

Time Of Day?: early morning, even though I don’t like waking up early hAhha I just like the way it feels outside at sunrise.

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Worst Fear?: Fear of messing stuff up/failing idk. Also bridges/docs with large cracks between the planks,,, 

Life Goal?: broadwaY? 👀

Greatest Accomplishment?: honestly idk

»»————-  ————-««


Pepsi Or Coke?: coke

McDonald's Or Burger King?: never had either 👌

Converse Or Vans?: converse hightops, vans lowtops 

Dogs Or Cats?: DOGS

AIM, YIM Or MSN Messenger?: wha

Chicken Or Fish?: Chimken

Black Or White?: horse

MTV Or FUSE?: wh 

MP3 player, ipod or CD player?: CD player because nostalgia,, sitting in my room screaming that one reflection song from mulan at the top of my lungs with my CD player

Pants Or Shorts?: shOrts 

»»————-  ————-««


Day: going to NYC with my (internet) best friends ;0; <3

Room: basically my current room, BUT I WANT A BAY WINDOW PLEASE

Life: idk 

World: how about a place where people aren’t such assholes and can accept everyone no matter what they look like, identify as, etc. :) 

Romantic Date: picnic on a beach at sunset sobs 

»»————-  ————-««


God?: h

Heaven & Hell?: idk man

Angels & Demons?: idk man

Reincarnation?: not really

Yourself?: lol barely

Ghosts?: I think if they exist, it’s not in the way we think about them 

UFOs?: yeah

Big Foot?: monke

Lockness Monster?: We barely know anything about the ocean, so it or something like it could exist and we just have no idea :D

A Thing Called Love?: haha heart go brrr

»»————-  ————-««


Kill Someone Else?: nO

Kill Yourself?: n O

Beg For Money?: possibly

Skydive?: I might try it when I’m older

Bunjee Jump?: yeah :0

Make out in the rain?: maybe not full on make out but rain kisses 😳 also just playing around in rain with gf assuming someone would like me enough to date me

Run Away From Home?: nah

Ride A Motorcycle?: Only if I’m not the one driving 

Do Extreme Sports?: probably not 

»»————-  ————-««


Do You Own A Car: no

Ever Been To Jail?: no

Ever Gotten Kicked out?: no

Do You Have A Job?: no

Do You Like Taking Surveys Like This?: yeah!! They’re fun uwu

»»————-  ————-««


Are You Lonely?: yep :(

Are You Sitting In A BeanBag Chair Eatin' Cheetos?: no, that sounds nice tho

Do You Fee The Urge To Send Me A Thousand Dollars?: lol no my money 

Really?: yep

Do You Know Where That Comes From?: what

How Many Licks Does It Take To Get To The Center Of A Tootsie Pop?: over 500, I literally had that as a homework assignment in 2nd grade wheeeeze

Is That Your Final Answer?: yes

Are You Sure?: yes 

Positive?: mhm

Glad That This Is Over?: kinda wahaha

»»————-  ————-««


You mean to tell me youve never had mcdonalds or burger king-

I’m too cool for food like that /j 

Hi want to go to picnic on the beach at sunset with me? We can kiss and eat sand

Omg yes 😳 I have always wanted to eat sand with you

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