Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by  THE WARDEN monochromeWARDEN

so, I wanted to show off my characters and pilot to the tapas forums. and I got massive critiques on those posts so you may see changes on my toy house and the comic itself.

- all characters. yes all of them. will be changed drastically and have a theme now. you will see on Art fight. once July arrives. I won't be posting the foes and underpins on there though. and they had a minefield of spoilers.

- I was about to post the full comic but thanks to the critiques I get. and those designs on those pages were now outdated and will be remade soon. it may not be delaying the comic. totally.

- co-alignmence is now co-alignment cus the aforementioned title is not a word. so I'm changing the title again and the calc logo also needs work too.

- depending on how fast I'm working right now the comic will be still in June. hopefully, don't worry as i still post the comic in tapas.

wait why are you looking at me like that? ooooh, you don't know me, and lowkey expecting mono! well then hello there. I am the DIREKTOR, before you ask about tye wrong spelling I am from the Philippines and it spells like that in tagalog.

I will be your local update provider... if I was able to get my butt off from procrastination that is.


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