Design Preferences [Updated 2020]

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago by pocketnik

Heya, figured I'd do the meme thing going around for design prefs -- snagged from @moody.
Feel free to use this as a reference when offering designs to trade with me or when making me things, thank you~! <3

❤️ = favorites
✔️ = good
⚠️  = maybe ((can depend greatly*))
⛔  = not interested
🚫 + red text = absolutely not, NEVER.
Mcmadmissile*, caicaibia, TwistedTeeth, lingrimm*, ghostekey*, MAATY-S*, kahito-slydeft*

General Feel / "Genre"

❤️  - Natural coloration/markings
❤️  - Extra-limbed/Multi-headed characters
❤️  - Humanoid/Human characters
❤️  - Beastly/monstrous characters
❤️  - Taurs (ex. Centaurs, liontaurs, etc)
❤️  - Mammalian characters/creatures
❤️ - Aliens/distinctly "weird" creatures
❤️ - Robots and non-organic beings
❤️ - Skeletal/undead designs
✔️  - Reptilians
✔️  - Fantasy creatures (ex. Gryphons, DnD species, etc)
✔️  - Demonic creatures
✔️  - Were- characters (ex. werehorse, weredragon, etc)
⚠️  - Humanoids/Humans
⚠️  - Birds
⚠️  - SUPER feminine/busty designs
⚠️  - "Sparkle dog"/Rainbow designs
⛔  - Most canines/Werewolves
⛔  - Most closed species
⛔  - "Edgey" or Bloody Gore designs

General Species Preferences

❤️  - Elder Scrolls & Guild Wars races
❤️  - Greek/European mythological creatures (ex. fawns, centaurs, basilisks, etc)
❤️  - Big cats (esp. tigers, panthers, and lions)
❤️  - Demons, devils, sucubi, etc
❤️  - Dinosaurs and reptiles (not including dragons)
❤️  - Aliens and mutants
❤️  - Unique/one-off creatures (ex. interesting anatomy, NOT a dog with horns)
❤️ - Robotic/synthetic designs
❤️ - Hybrids (of any creature mixture, non-canine preferred)
✔️  - Dragons and amphibians
✔️  - Were- characters (ex. weretiger, werehorse, etc)
✔️  - Rarely seen mammals (ex. skunk, african buffalo, etc)
✔️  - Insects and aquatic creatures
✔️  - Most mammals in general
✔️  - HYBRIDS of all the above ^^^
✔️  - Humanoids/Humans
⚠️  - Pit bulls, bull terriers, pugs, and other unusual looking dog breeds
⚠️  - Hyenas and similar dog-like species
⛔  - Most canines (esp. generic wolves, foxes, and huskies)
⛔  - Pokemon/Digimon/MLP/Sonic related characters
🚫  - Most Spiders/Centipedes/Millipedes

Original Species Preferences

✔️  - Vayrons
⚠️  - All non-canine or dragon based species are a maybe*
⛔  - Plush/Toony/Baby-ish species
🚫  - Canine-based species and/or Sparkle dogs

Body Types + Features

❤️  - Extra limbs/heads
❤️  - Muscular/Beefy or toned lean
❤️  - Top-heavy and hefty characters
❤️  - Masculine/Dominant appearance
✔️  - Androgynous appearance
✔️  - Slightly overweight to slightly underweight body types
✔️  - Human-like hands or claws/talons
✔️  - Hoof-hands or other animalized hands/feet
✔️  - Paw hands or paws
⛔  - Unhealthy levels of fat
⛔  - Big breasts/overly feminine body types
🚫  - Emaciated/extremely underweight characters
🚫  - Feminine body types


❤️  - Natural colors (ex. browns, creams, grays, etc)
❤️  - Monochrome palettes
❤️  - Monochrome palettes + 1 to 2 "highlight" saturated colors
❤️  - Less saturated palettes
❤️  - Blues, Oranges, Reds, Greens
✔️  - Fully Darker Palettes or Fully Lighter Palettes
✔️  - Metallic, luminescent, or latex materials
⚠️  - ANY pink or other bright/saturated color
⚠️  - Teal or beachy-y color palettes
⛔  - Rainbow coloration
⛔  - Pure white/Pure black
🚫 - Heavy purple coloration (with possible exception for tattoos, props, etc.)


❤️  - Points/gradients (ex. siamese cats, etc)
❤️  - Reasonable scars
❤️  - Simple tattoos OR tattooed limbs/sections
❤️  - Simple, high-contrast markings
❤️  - Distinct facial markings
✔️  - Glow (ex. blood, smoke, eyes, etc)
✔️  - Stripes
✔️  - Dyed hair (ex. highlights, mohawks, etc)
⚠️  - Spots/speckles
⚠️  - Extremely complex or colorful tattoos/ritualistic (unnatural) markings
⚠️  - Mechanical parts/visible electronics
⛔  - Complex natural markings
🚫  - Mixture of natural/unnatural markings (ex. stripes + tribal tattooes)
🚫  - SUPER unnatural patterning (ex. checkers, grids, perfect circle spots, etc.

Accessories / Clothing

❤️  - Armor/Fantasy apparel
❤️  - Leather or bondage-like gear
❤️  - Weaponry or powers
❤️  - Real-world job/wardrobe (ex. banker, construction worker, etc)
❤️ - Historic fashion (non-european)
✔️  - Victorian apparel
✔️  - Tribal or other ancient apparel/development
⚠️  - Generic look (ex. T-shirts, jeans, hoodies, etc)
⚠️  - Party look (ex. "that one drunk guy in the back")
⛔  - Punk/Scene kid looks
🚫  - Hippie looks
🚫  - Gemstone/Mystical apparel

Misc. Preferences

❤️  - Trans* characters
❤️  - Ability to redesign, resell, or retrade character in future
✔️  - Fan characters from franchises I enjoy (ex. Ben10, DnD, TMNT, Bakugan, YuGiOh, Disney, etc.)
🚫  - Characters I can not redesign/resell/retrade
🚫  - Characters with relations to other characters that I will not own (ex. 1 from a pair)


🚫  - Homestuck/MLP/Sonic/SU fan-made characters
🚫  - Childlike/shota/"lolita" characters
🚫  - "Psych*path"/"Soci*path"/Edgy characters
🚫  - Appropriative/Fetishisizing characters (ex. crossdressers, native-american tribals, etc)


I am over the age of 18.
→ I must be aware of any adult work in a character gallery before being given the character.
 Any adult work that comes with the character will be maintained with the character if resold/retraded.
→ If adult work is personal it may be saved privately and not available in the character(s) public gallery.


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