
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by Pure-Blue-Heart

[any and all harassment is FORBIDDEN to users on my blacklist]
any Harassment from anyone that comes after me and people I talk to will be logged and will be added to this blacklist.




Reason: Blatant Color Copying and Selling Rip-Offs.

Blacklisted from: Commissioning me or purchasing designs from me


AlluringDraws (TH) /AlluringDraws(DA) AlluringDraws(YCH.comish) AlluringDraws(twitter) AlluringDraws(Insta)

Reason: Causing drama when things should have been resolved privately. Leaking my Discord tag without permission. Leaking screenshots of a private Discord server without permission from anyone involved.

Blacklisted from: Commissioning me or purchasing designs from me


Miccu(TH) Miccu-Gumii(DA)

Reason: Reselling characters for more than their value (with no extra art or anything) and making my friend uncomfortable/giving her a hard time about a design she sold to them.

Blacklisted from: Purchasing designs from me



Reason: Drama

Blacklisted from: Commissioning me or purchasing designs from me



Reason: A lot of drama but long story short they attacked a good friend and have stolen characters from her.

Blacklisted from: Commissioning me or purchasing designs from me



Reason: He's a huge jerk, emotionally/mentally manipulates people, trolls users, and the list could go on. There are several warnings about him out there.

Blacklisted from: Commissioning me or purchasing designs from me



Reason: Liar, transphobe, and homophobe

Blacklisted from: Commissioning me or purchasing designs from me


AndroidHalo (TH) AndroidHalo (DA)

Reason: General discomfort and mistreatment of my friends

Blacklisted from: Commissioning me or purchasing designs from me




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