if i'm to die (/srs)

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by M0RALPAN1C

before i start vomiting my fucking heart out I'll give you some warningsΒ 

tw: child abuse, abuse, emotional and physical abuse, Β other hurtful shit

i don't know who to fucking talk to i don't know who to cry to I'm so fucked up rn and I'm so fucking devastated i can't even cry it hurts to even inhale. i have no idea where to start or what to say I'm all over the ground

so my mother aka "my best friend" did not so good things today and i broke down so hard i couldn't breathe for about 20 seconds (not fun). she came to me and tore my fucking heart apart because i didn't do my hw and the teacher contacted her. she absolutely destroyed me in every way she could she told me that art will never get me anywhere and that it's all stupid idiotic and childish thing. and that fucking hurt on its own let alone her threatening to do a lot of fucked up shit to me

she threatened to go back to abuse me which she stopped recently. threatened to shatter the laptop in my head take all my shit away and so many other things that i don't feel comfortable displaying here. and i know she's not joking but it fucking hurts it does it really does not just mentally but physically too my only reaction to anything is covering my face expecting a hit and it's because of her and my dad both of them none is better than the other. she used to hit me so hard no matter how old i was. and all i remember is from being 5 years old and i remember the hitting start at 6 and it's not even legal she'd probably face jail if i fucking spoke about it. last year. probably the same day as today she hit me so hard one of my teeth fell off (/srs) and she didn't stop she pinched my face so hard that it hurt for the whole year and I'm not exadurating and i fell and she continued and i was crying she would have continued if our housemaid didn't interrupt. i didn't even tell a single soul about it. she'd hit me daily, and even when i say a joke or anything simple that i got used to being slapped. she'd start shaming me for my fucking disorder that is possibly a disability and she still fucking shames and hits me for it as if i can control it. i always mentioned that i have HSCR but i never say what it does to me. I'm technically cured but i still face so many after-effects. one of them not being able to control my piss/poop. yeah, i fucking said what are you gonna do? bully a person for shitting themself daily for having a fucking disorder? i don't think so. it got to the point that she once used a nail cutter on my bum... i was 9 years old.. and she made me tell my dad while she laughs. oh and my dad is trash too okay. i keep saying that i love him but i don't. i just like him because he's the reason we're living in this luxurious house that's all. he's not as abusive but he still was. he would scare the shit of my soul and use his traditional stick to hit the bed to terrify me and he once did it so hard the stick that is very thick literally shattered into pieces. all the times they made fun of me and my trigger is uncountable. and i thought they changed and i really did, but the only thing stopping them is probably because I'm old enough to hit them back. they're so fucking smart and intelligent and i look up to them. my mom always says great advice and amazing poems and my dad has three fuckign jobs and loves everyone and memories all of the profits stories and are both really religious. but why? why would they do this they're so close to being perfect.. and they're both very hilarious and very fun to talk to and spend time with..like two weeks ago i spent 2 hours with my mom listening to less mis music while working out and talking about it like fucking nerds...what's wrong though how are you two different people at once??

all of this is just what like %25?? the other pain they made me go through is fucking not okay. and then they ask why are all my reflexes are me shielding myself

but i can't cry

i don't really remember the pain i went through. the pain is so common that i can't feel it anymore. I'm not crying I'm not even frowning while typing this and I'm listening to grave whistle by nothing but thieves and it's probably the only thing that got me emotional while typing this because the song is sad

regarding my title

if I'm to die,

i want to forgive them for what they made me go through and i want them to learn and i want them to understand that it's not okay for what shit they said to me. i don't want to die sad i want to die happy and i don't want people to cry at my funeral and i don't want my parents to ever get harmed ever. i don't want anyone to cry if i one day go i want people to smile remembering me, please don't honor my death by crying. and no matter what you did to me no matter how much wrong you did i forgive you

i still love my parents and they're both human and they both make mistakes and i believe they can change and i want to be the reason for that. i don't want to waste my time hating on someone

thank you for taking your time to read this. i never talk about this but now i did and it feels a bit good if

"to forgive is to set a prisoner free and to discover that prisoner is you"


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thank you Β tori wthhh πŸ₯ΊπŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’ DHJAKH means a lot <3

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I'm sorry - my thoughts are scattered right now,, Firstly, no child should ever have to go through this,, it can literally cause trauma and basically tear someone's life apart. Secondly, nobody has the right to say or even think your art will get you nowhere - you do what makes you happy, n don't think otherwise. Lastly, I really want you to know what I'm here and you can talk to me on Discord whenever you want !! [ Though, I'm not too good at therapy/comforting so,, ] I'm Qloud#4089 if you wanna give it a try !! I hope things get better, πŸ’–

thank you mateπŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“

aghh I don't even know where to start--

dude im so sorry this is happening to you,, you don't deserve all that shit at all. i really hope you have someone local who can help you out when you need, and if you need to my dms are always open on discord (though I don't think im the particularly the best at comfort/therapy, ill definitely try my best). I also hope your relationships with your parents get better,, it sounds like they're trying to improve, though child abuse is never okay. lastly don't listen to people when they tell you art will get you nowhere--if it makes you happy, keep going ! your art and designs are such a big inspiration to me man /srs

(I hope that sounded alright fhhdhdh)

Β stay safe and I hope things get better soon <33

thanks A LOT it means so fucking much to me to be an inspiration to others and yeah I'll see what I can do to make the situation better πŸ’πŸ’ ily man /p

ofc <33 you too man /p

omfg im so sorry to hear that D:

that sounds like hell no parent should ever ever do that to their own child

you have a good heart I don't think I could forgive anyone if they did that to me

I sincerely hope it gets better <33

thank you, you have a kind heart too πŸ’–


all them heartus for you

that is fucked up. im not even going to try to sugarcoat it, what they do to you is purely fucked up. you don't deserve to have parents like this who hurt you and make you feel this way. if the abuse starts up again please please try to reach out to someone about it so you can get away from it. me and everyone else care about you so so much and want the best for you. we want you to be safe and happy and we will provide that feeling for you as much as possible.

i hope things get better for you soon and again im so sorry that you had to go through that. ily man stay safe /p /g

ilyt man ilyt /p β™₯

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yeahhh i understand πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’im willing to talk to my aunt soon about this

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im not at all in danger and I don't think my mom will ever go back to it but her threatening me kinda got my heart melt HJKADH so I just think I want to talk to my aunt who is a life coach and a licensed therapist :")

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for context though my mom doesn't hit me anymore she used to (a lot) and now she's using it as a threatΒ 

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i'm so sorry you go through this. it's disgusting behavior. i know that feeling where you feel like you want to tell someone about their behavior but then they act all kind and you feel so confused. if you really feel unsafe you should call the child abuse hotline, this is not okay!! if you need someone to talk to i'm here <3 as a person who's suffered abuse i'm here for youΒ Β πŸ’•

in order to stay safe at the moment you should try to be as kind to your parents as possible. and do what they say unless it's very unreasonable. try not to get into any arguments. you can also chat with a licensed child abuse therapistΒ here.

thanks a lot

my aunt is a therapist and I want to talk to her

my parents wouldn't do anything too bad. my mom hasn't really touched me but i was talking about my old experience. she doesn't do it anymore but her mentioning/using it as a threat kinda got me on my nerve toΒ 

again thank you so much <3

yeah that sucks </3 my mom threatens to shave off my eyebrows or cut off body parts but she's never physically hurt me. that must be awful. i was abused by my grandma when i was 2 or 3 and i don't really have the same experience as you.

please stay safe /genΒ 

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oh wow hehe you're a fast reader. but dw I'm alright I just had to yk get into it

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OHH woah thats impressive hehe also thanks for checking in <3