
Just as the suspect is leaving, sure they’ve gotten away with it, you stop them and say, “just one more thing,” and ask the difficult question. You see the bead of sweat on their neck, the twitch of a nostril, the flicker of an eye, and it speaks volumes to you about their guilt. A room is just as telling as a suspect. A misplaced hair, a smudge of ash, the angle of a piece of furniture – these things tell you whole stories. 

Investigator Talent
Classes: Any
Requirement: Must have Cunning and Perception 2 or higher and the Communication (Investigation) focus.

You're a skilled detective.

Novice: You have an almost preternatural talent for finding and evaluating evidence. You can always make a roll to unlock a lead, even if you don’t have a primary or tangential focus relevant to the investigation.

Journeyman: The real skill with being a great investigator isn’t in finding clues – it’s using them. You may use the Intuition stunt for 1 SP rather than the usual 2. Furthermore, if you have the primary focus required to unlock a lead, add +1 to your roll when testing with it to do so.

Master: When all the evidence is gathered, you only need a flash of inspiration to put it together and find the solution. You can use the Breakthrough stunt for only 3 SP, rather than the usual 5.

Investigation Stunts

SP Cost
Ah-Ha!: The GM reveals an additional useful fact about the object of your test per SP spent; gain +1 per SP spent to your next test following up on the lead you just unlocked.
Flashback: This test reminds you of something important you forgot. The GM reveals the identity or existence of another source of new information you didn’t know about. Treat one of your tangential focuses as a primary one on the next test you make to unlock a lead related to this test.
Intuition: The GM reveals a fact about the object of your test you could not have noticed or deduced simply by interacting with it. When you uncover a clue, you gain two new leads instead of one, making the path branch.
Lucky Break: This test’s result leads fortuitously to putting two and two together later. Treat one irrelevant focus as a tangential one on the next test you make to unlock a lead related to this test.
Down the Rabbit Hole: If this test led to a reveal, the GM also provides a brand-new lead about a new subject that will provide greater rewards.
Breakthrough: You gain not only information, but some form of incontrovertible proof. Reduce the total number of leads on the path by one, jumping to a further point in the investigation immediately.


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