I think this bulletin could be useful...

I can do absolutely any kind of TRADE and ANYTIME. My trades are always OPEN.

- You want art from me ? We can do a classic art trade ! NO limits; normal art, chibi, ship art, painting... Anything ! (most of the time I'd prefer if we both do the same type of art)

- You want a custom from me ? No need to also design something for me if you don't want to. I can accept to trade a custom for a pre-made character or art(s).

- You want something from me but you are not able to draw ? I may be interested in writings about my characters. 

I could consider any kind of offer at the moment it is not money ! Steam e-cards, TH premium, Discord nitro, vouchers...

Note: I do have commissions now, feel free to check it if you are interested !


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