Welcome - About

Posted 6 years, 8 months ago by whitefeathersrain

► || Ri/ 萊莉 | lady | ♉ | GA peach | ∞❤∞ | skeptically openminded ||

\\ Gregarious - Amiable - Passionate - Opinionated - //

➹➹ Just your friendly neighborhood protagonist and run of the mill hobbyist who doodles furries in 

her spare time for spare cash. I love art and it's my ever burning passion. 

➹➹ I'm so Frank, I make frankface look chill as fuck. Despite initial impressions, I'm genuinely a warm and friendly person, I'm just

not inclined to beat around the bush as we say here! I hate dragging things out, if you have a question just hit me up! 

═════════════════════════════════Stay Blessed//Art Status════════════════════════════════

██ No Soliciting // No Requests ██

██ Tips-Donations ██《  》Prices//Art menu// 

FA [18+]《  》ArtInsta《 

➹Commissions Closed! Sorry!


|| Steam: shdowspryte | W.O.W.: kanai#1315 | whitefeather - Flightrising || Telegram - whitefeathersrain">whitefeathersrain 

|| Furaffinity [18+] || 


》★ Gaytors Species information & Make your own ★《

-- Sentinal's Rise --

MLP art "world" (story/rp driven) - All welcome [18+]

-- Pokemon Underground -- 

A series of drawings/doodles set in the pokemon world, but

exploring the idea of a "mirror world" where PMD and sentient pokemon are sent too. 

Story/rp driven - All welcome - 18+



Most of what you'll see here is my personal work stash just for me and those I get art with! Keeps my personal stuff 

outside of my business stuff! Woo! If you need me for any reason, just head over to the links!~ 



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