Basic Krador lore and Seron theirself

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago by umbrans


Seron is a land on the planet Lanetarum. Seron is considered the Land of the Gods as it is named after the high god theirself. The land of Seron is split into five different kingdoms and many other regions. 

Krador and the Aestues Desert:

The Red kingdom is a vast, hot desert area and it's capital is Krador. Krador is said to be the most technologically advanced cities and often sells it's wares to neighbouring kingdoms. In the heart of Krador lies the Citadel, a large spire like tower where General Dextiry lives. The tower is also the cities means of defense as at the top of the tower is a small beacon that creates a large shield that protects the city in case of attacks from armies or monsters. Krador is also known for it's fishing, even though it lies in the desert, it is also next door to the Royal sea which brings in alot of fish. Krador has a moderate crime rate and has since seemed to rise since Dex closed the coliseum under the city. Even though it should be closed, many gangs came together and re opened it so they had somewhere to linger and watch people fight. The coliseum is also a haven for drug deals and many other devious crimes. 

The desert is also home to the old red kingdom which once held the previous capital before Krador took that title. In the desert there are many small settlements, mainly small clans of people who have adapted to withstand the heat of the cruel desert, this includes hunters.  The Aestues desert is also the place with the largest population of dragons. Dragons in Seron are immensely rare and often compared to the gods themselves. It is said if one were to see one of these beasts they would be blessed with good fortune for the rest of their life. The desert home's 10-25 dragons in total. The desert is also home to many ruins and ancient civilisations created before even the gods themselves. It is said that Seron's original domain was in the Aestues desert but no one knows whether these tales are true or not. Dextiry has funded many dozen expeditions to try and find the original domain but nothing was ever found. 


Seron is god of gods and often hailed as parent of the land. Nobody knows what Seron's form looks like or where they reside. Some believe Seron abandoned the world many ages ago, others think they brought the curse to the land to wipe away life so they could start a new world and many others believe Seron is still out there but in a long slumber. It is unknown where Seron is.

An ancient tale told of a mortal being bestowed Seron's gift, where the receiver would have the opportunity to become a god themselves and to serve a higher purpose. It is also unknown if this is true and it is unknown what 'Seron's gift' actually consists of to the dwellers of Seron.

What actually is Seron?:

In all truth Seron is merely a mortal. Seron's gift is actually a proposal to the person who is being asked to become the next Seron theirself. There have been countless Seron's across the ages, some more assertive and involved in the world and others that have become lazy or tired. A person becoming Seron can last forever if they want to. Only Seron can pick the next in line and it could take a very long time to do so. For one to become Seron they must first get their attention by doing an insanely massive thing. Not anyone can just become the god of gods. Seron is the only God who doesn't have a definite form, unlike the lower gods. In all honesty becoming Seron, in the end is very lonely and depressing. Many past Seron's just want to be released and for their spirit to be at rest. Many Seron's left loved ones behind and many regret their decision. It's nice having all the power in the world until you realize you don't have to power to contact loved ones. Seron does have the power to destroy the world if they wanted, but they would have to consider the other gods. Seron isn't stupid either. They'd never grant their gift to someone who would simply destroy the world. The first Seron was said to be born from star dust and the will of life. That version of Seron is the only Seron that was not birthed by a human.



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